Back to the routine without stress: seven tips for a return to school more bearable

Summer vacations are coming to an end. There are few days left to go back to school and with it, we also return to the routine, to the schedules, the early risers, the homework, the school meetings ... On the one hand the order returns to our lives, but on the other we face some days of adjustment to the new responsibilities that usually overwhelm both parents and children.

For what the return to the routine is as bearable as possible we give you seven useful tips to prepare the return to school and have a happy start to the course.

Avoid losses and losses

Try to have everything ready for the beginning of the course to avoid last-minute burdens: textbooks, school supplies, backpack, uniform (if you wear it) ... You throw away and forget us just stressing over the account and makes our children also stressed ("Mom, the math book was asked for the first day and I don't have it"Does it sound like you?)

Make a list of everything you have to do such as marking clothes, lining books, last minute purchases, try on uniforms, write down the beginning of the course meetings and organize yourself to have everything ready.

Change routines at home

With the return to the routine we must also adjust the schedules that we had been taking at home during the summer holidays. Must start dinner before and go to bed earlier, but it will be very hard to get up early when school starts. Here we recommend a plan to rearrange the children's sleep hours for the beginning of the course.

The worst children wear are the early risers, so try wake up earlier every day and once school starts, to avoid that the mornings at home are hell, give him time to wake up at his own pace. If your child is one of those people who find it difficult to adapt to the world in the morning, wake him up ten minutes earlier.

Leave everything prepared the night before

To avoid unforeseen events in the morning, good advice is to leave everything ready the night before.

Each one counts what he needs to carry the next day (homework, books, coat, whatever) and takes care that he is prepared for the next day. It is usual that in the morning we lose time looking for a lost glove, the duties that they should have kept or the agenda they left in the kitchen. So that this does not happen, leave everything ready.

The little ones will have to be helped, but it is a habit that you can implement this course if you did not do it until now that helps promote autonomy in children.

Help them adapt

Especially if it is your first time at school or your child begins a new stage, your Support and understanding. You will meet a whole new world that is very likely to cause anxiety, insecurity.

The accompaniment of parents is key to a better adaptation of children to school. If you have children in children, try to let them accompany you during the first few days, at least for a couple of hours.

If you have older children, even if they don't cry anymore, they can also go through a somewhat difficult stage of adaptation, especially if they go to a new school. We must also accompany them and pay attention to their attitudes to identify what is happening to them.

Start your day well breakfast

A very important advice to face the return to the routine is don't skip breakfast. The first meal of the day helps them face the day with energy, so dedicate the time you deserve.

It should cover between 30 and 35 percent of the nutritional needs of the school-age child, so try to offer a full breakfast that includes dairy, fruits, cereals, some fat in the form of olive oil and proteins with non-fatty sausages . Here you have some healthy and nutritious breakfast proposals.

Maintain physical activity.

Summer is usually an intense time of sports, running, playing, cycling everywhere, and returning to school reduces the level of physical activity.

Try keep practicing physical activities for at least one hour a day. If possible, walk to school, or continue riding a bike every day, taking walks, or any activity. This will help them improve their spirits when they return to the routine, as well as prevent overweight.

Show a positive attitude

And last but not least, it shows a positive attitude. It is clear that we all suffer from post-vacation syndrome, including children, we would all like to live on vacation forever, but this is not possible. So, put on the hat of optimism and infect your family.

Do not talk about going back to school as if it were the end of the world. Talk to your children with enthusiasm about what awaits you. Tell him that he will meet new friends, his teacher, remind him how well it will happen and all the new things he will learn during the next course.

More tips for a back to school without stress

Video: why i left school (May 2024).