Relax the baby to help you sleep

There are babies who fall asleep while stroking their hair, others who do so while patting them on the culete or singing a lullaby.

I have discovered that one of the things that most relaxes my baby when I lay her in her crib is to stroke her back while whispering a song.

Saint's hand. As if it were a sleeping pill, the relaxation is such that in a few minutes you fall asleep.

According to experts, it is the first phase of the baby's sleep, in which relaxes and starts disconnecting from the previous activity.

During this phase, anything we do to reassure the baby is good for them to be deactivated and thus facilitate a restful sleep.

The ritual begins with a warm water bath, continues with massages, food and then to bed. With the help of some pampering and the relaxing voice of mom or dad they will be ready to fall asleep.

In some houses it will happen like mine, that dad is late for work and the time before going to bed becomes the time of games, which then makes it more difficult for the baby or the child to fall asleep because of the excitement that they have

Therefore, there are days when I have to increase the dose of pampering or go to a lavender bowl that I place under the pillow so they have a quieter sleep.

Each parent will know how to find the most appropriate method to relax their baby, a very grateful affective habit that requires between five and ten minutes a day, which both you and your baby will enjoy very much.

Video: Bedtime Lullabies and Calming Undersea Animation: Baby Lullaby (July 2024).