More and more experts request a nutrition subject

A proposal that we find very interesting is the one you have made the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, request that a subject dedicated to nutrition in schools be included. Educating children about healthy eating habits is necessary, just as you learn to read or write, and this knowledge lasts for life, the same goes for nutritional education.

Preventing overweight and obesity from childhood is to win half a battle with these problems, if it were the case that a child does not have a proper nutritional education at home for whatever reason, what he learned in school could help him help. Last year the problems of overweight and obesity already affected 27.6% of the child population, really a figure that should be considered and that requires all available means to reduce it. Not long ago we mentioned the same recommendations of the specialist Jaime Dalmau, member of the Nutrition and Metabolism Unit of the Department of Pediatrics of La Fe Children's Hospital, in Valencia. More and more specialists request this subject to verify that eating disorders proliferate, anorexia, bulimia, overweight, obesity ... the total sum gives a high figure that the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education should consider.

We from here also request that the necessary steps be taken to create the subject of nutrition. You add up?

Video: Edible Education 101: Personalized Health, Nutrition, and the Microbiome with Christopher Gardner (July 2024).