Music therapy in premature babies

The Maternal and Child Hospital of Granada has initiated a technique that in other fields has already been shown to be very beneficial, music therapy, but in this case applied to premature babies.

As much as we think that being so small and knowing so little life do not suffer or suffer the hospital stay, it is still stressful for them. Premature babies lose the safe and relaxed environment in which they found themselves while developing in the womb.

Music is a therapy and the Maternal and Child of Granada is the first in Andalusia to use this technique, putting the premature pieces of classical music in the incubators. Three nurses are dedicated to writing down the reactions of babies when they listen to the music that an expert chooses.

Through small speakers that enter the incubators three times a day, babies listen to classical music while they eat, they are not interrupted the hours of sleep so they feel as close as possible to what is the mother's womb. In addition to alleviating stress, this research also aims to learn about other benefits of music therapy in premature babies, such as weight gain or the improvement of their neurological development, for which three groups have been created.

The first group of babies is evaluated without any type of treatment, the second listens to classical music and the third one also listens to the recording of their parents' voices while they tell a story, sing or simply speak to them.

This last group will also allow to know if this therapy is beneficial with regard to the relations of children and parents.

Mauricio Linori, the musical expert who participates in the project, reports on the music used in the therapy, Vivaldi baroque fragments that have sounds of nature, birds, the sea, etc., and the intensity of the music does not exceed 65 decibels

One of the mothers of a baby who receives music therapy says that something has to be done, since even being a technique of recent initiation, she observes that her daughter “relaxes and laughs a lot while listening to the music”.

We would ensure that we will soon receive new news praising the benefits of this technique, hopefully so and that the rest of hospitals will incorporate it into their premature care units.

Video: Music Therapy in the NICU. Norton Women's & Children's Hospital (July 2024).