Guide on maternity protection

An interesting initiative of the CCOO labor union will distribute among the Spanish companies of the Community of Navarra, 7,000 information guides on maternity protection. It is especially interesting that employers are aware of many of the preventive aspects that should be taken with regard to motherhood.

Being pregnant and working in an environment that can somehow influence the proper development of the baby, should be avoided by employers and move the worker to a job that guarantees optimal pregnancy development. Another aspect that the guide also contemplates is to convince entrepreneurs that pregnancy is a contribution to society and that it should not be taken as something negative for the company, you just have to check that birth rates are found by floors to understand that it is something positive. Future mothers or mothers who are breastfeeding should enjoy special attention in companies, avoiding all unnecessary risks. With this guide, workers and businessmen no longer have an excuse, they will know their rights and obligations and will be subject to laws regarding this issue and especially those that are subject to the new Equality Law that came into force just a couple of months ago .

Among some of the novelties to highlight, is the provision of risk during breastfeeding, where a benefit is contemplated until the child turns 9 months or the suspension of the employment contract before a possible risk during pregnancy, the latter option is accessible when There is no possibility of changing the future mother from a job to any possible risk. The new guide will be an effective tool at the service of both groups, we believe it would be interesting for the guide to be distributed in the rest of Spanish companies so that there was no excuse for ignorance of rights and obligations.

Motherhood should not be an issue that causes any harm, there are already some cases we have touched on Babies and more where we have known the discrimination suffered by future mothers. Little by little this humiliating behavior has to disappear, the guide is one more step to reach this goal.

Video: Maternity protection at work: It matters to everyone (July 2024).