A gene predisposes to increase the risk of childhood asthma

A group of British scientists has managed to identify a gene that is related to childhood asthmaIn fact, the gene (ORMDL3) increases the risk of a child developing asthma up to 70%. The discovery is of great importance, since new therapies can be designed that are effective against the disease.

The variations of ORMDL3 are the causes of the increase in irrigation, this conclusion was determined after having conducted a study in which 994 children with asthma and 1,243 without it participated. After comparing the genetic composition of both groups, a genetic marker with a characteristic mutation was discovered, responsible for altering the composition of the ORMDL3.

The levels of this gene are higher in children with asthma, this discovery as indicated by one of those responsible for the research, is the greatest genetic effect associated with asthma. Gradually the disease is unmasking, finding the environmental and genetic factors that cause it, it will not be long before new discoveries allow to improve the quality of life of the children who are afflicted with the disease.

If you want to know the details of the study with greater precision, these are published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature

Video: How Does Predisposition of Asthma Transfer from Mother to Child? (July 2024).