Chronic stress during pregnancy can cause cerebral palsy in the baby

A few days ago our partner Dolores explained to us the talk that Dr. Ángel Aguarón gave during the course “New aspects of cerebral palsy”, denying that the main cause of cerebral palsy in children was due to problems in childbirth, but that Problems come from pregnancy.

Now we know a study that researchers from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research of France (Inserm) has done in mice and that gives some clues of the reasons that may increase the risk of the future baby developing cerebral palsy, chronic stress. The mice were exposed to mild but continued stress during pregnancy and once the offspring were born, they were examined and found that they had brain lesions, twice as many as the offspring whose mothers were not subjected to stress.

For the moment, new studies are needed to corroborate the effect in humans, but with a base, it is already known where to look and subsequently how to prevent.

Recall the study shown in the post Cortisol resulting from stress affects the baby's brain development during pregnancy, focuses the same way, so we reiterate the recommendation, avoid stressful situations, maintain healthy life habits and above all, be happy For the new life to come.

Video: Having a baby with Down Syndrome (July 2024).