Overprotection affects child development

A few months ago in the post Personality disorders in children as a result of permissiveness and overprotection, we made an interesting explanation about some of the causes that cause various personality disorders in children and that, except for those causes of genetic origin or brain damage among other problems, most of the cases were related to the environment and the education received.

New research prepared by a group of experts from the University of Illinois (USA) shows that the levels of protection that parents use are related to the maturity of children, that is to say, the less protection on the negative emotions that children suffer, they acquire greater maturity. The study has been prepared with children of four and five years old and their respective parents, two different experiments were performed, the first one aimed to measure the level of emotional understanding that the children showed through simple stories that could reflect different emotions. In the second experiment, half of the children were given a toy, each of them had to play with another child who had no toy, for 20 minutes the reactions of the children were observed and their way of acting in a situation that presented A limited resource. Surely there would be all kinds of situations, some children would share the toy, others not, some would try to take the toy from their classmates, etc.

The fact is that the results show that children who enjoy overprotection, do not face negative situations with a lot of understanding and ability, however, children with less overprotection were more mature to solve the conflict situation created by the toy.

Parents have a fundamental role in the emotional learning of their children, negative emotions are necessary, that is, it is necessary that children be the ones to solve them, the intervention of the parents in favor of the children before a dispute between two children, For example, it is not recommended and does not make the child grow emotionally and socially. Researchers now consider conducting a study in which parents' behavior is observed in the company of their children.

The study data has been reflected in an article in the journal Child Development.

Video: 5 Ways Helicopter Parents Can Affect You (July 2024).