Do not skip visits to the gynecologist and midwife after delivery: they are essential

Postpartum is a crucial time for the moms, as they have to adapt to their baby and new routines, while their body is still recovering from pregnancy and labor. And although many times there is no time for the shower they have to take care.

And that starts by going to their postpartum check-ups to check that they are recovering well or raising doubts about their new life. (there are always).

The first visit will be 10 days after delivery, with the midwife if you access for Social Security, and with the gynecologist, if you go for private health. Sara Cañamero, matron and director of Maternatal tells us what is done at each visit.

Differences between public and private health

The midwife specifies the postpartum protocols, taking into account that times may vary somewhat depending on maternity or the Autonomous Community:

  • If you have given birth for Social Security, you must ask for an appointment with the midwife of your Health Center, about ten days after the birth of your child.

  • If the delivery has been vaginal, you will no longer see the gynecologist until your next routine gynecological examination.

  • Alone if you have had a caesarean section, you will go through your consultation to check the condition of the incision wound, and the withdrawal of the stitches.

  • If you have chosen private healthcare, the papers are fully inverted: the midwife has no role and it is the gynecologist who will see you ten days after delivery and when necessary.

The first review with the midwife

The mother goes with her baby, since the two are valued. According to Sara Cañamero it serves to:

  • Check the general condition of the newborn: your bowel movements, umbilical cord, sleep habits ... This way you can solve the possible problems as soon as possible.

  • Make sure that the breastfeeding works well. Mom can ask your questions.

  • Review the emotional and physical health of the mother.

Therefore, the midwife has to:

  1. Make a review of the history of the mother and childbirth: natural or induced, how much the baby weighed, his state at birth ...

  2. Ask about life habits, giving guidelines to improve them and solving the mother's doubts about feeding, initiation of sexual intercourse, contraceptive methods, exercise, toxic habits, housing status, family adaptation of parents and older siblings.

  3. Check the surgical wound, if the delivery has been by caesarean section, and make sure the points are fine.

  4. Touch the mother's breasts to see if they are soft and watch how the baby grabs if during the consultation the little one asks for chest. So you can correct or detect a problem on the palate that hinders your diet.

  • Palpate the mother's breasts if the baby feeds on a bottle, to check that the medication to remove the milk works well: that the breasts are not hard and therefore there is no engorgement.

  • Check the perineum (and the points, if there are episiotomy), the height of the uterus and if the bleeding (lochia) are normal.

  • Rate the abdomen to make sure there is no diastasis; that is to say, that the muscles of the abdomen are not more separated from the normal ones.

  • In cases of very large hemorrhages in childbirth, you can ask for a blood test. In private maternity hospitals, they are done before the woman is discharged.

As the midwife explains,

"Another review is recommended one month after delivery and on demand, depending on how the woman is or if she suffers from any pathology."

In Babies and more 40 days after delivery: the puerperal visit arrives

Gynecological Review

As Sara Cañamero explains, "This consultation serves to verify how the puerperium evolves and the general state of the woman, to rule out any possible anomaly in her recovery". The assessment of the baby, in private health, corresponds to the pediatrician.

It is advisable that the mother has written down all the doubts she has: those related to breastfeeding, the resumption of the rule and sexual relations, the choice of contraceptive method, when to diet and exercise, and so on.

  • The doctor will feel the abdomen and perform a vaginal touch, in order to know the height and size of the uterus and check it is recovering well.

  • Examine the condition of the fallopian tubes, ovaries and vaginal canal. You can perform a cytology to check the cervix.

  • It will check the tone of your pelvic muscles.

  • It will ensure that the episiotomy wound or caesarean section are healing well, if there is one.

  • It will take the strain, to ensure that she has returned to normal levels before pregnancy, especially if the mother has suffered high blood pressure caused by pregnancy.

  • Will perform a breast exam to detect the presence of cysts, redness or swelling. They could be symptoms of a mastitis or any other type of infection.

  • If a blood test to the mother before leaving maternity, she may request it now, to prove that she does not suffer from anemia.

Why don't we have access to both professionals?

Sara Cañamero, after explaining what is done in each consultation, wants to highlight the fact that the recognition of both professionals is complementary, and should be offered together to the mothers.

The fact that it is not so justifies it with:

"the null presence of the midwife in the postpartum, in the case of private health; and for the work overload and cuts that are being carried out in the public."

And he wants to make a reminder to recent moms, whom we joined:

"It is very important not to skip postpartum visits, which we do not always go to. When we have a baby we place ourselves in the background and do not worry about our needs. But these reviews are essential to help us in case something does not go well. "

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Video: Midwifery Myth: Midwives only care for pregnant women (July 2024).