The ABC of healthy pregnancy

The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a list of care to follow during pregnancy. But with a curiosity, all recommendations begin with a letter of the alphabet. So, detail each one from a to Z.

If you are pregnant or plan to be soon, do not miss a single letter.

A Folic Acid. Eat 400 micrograms of folic acid daily both before and during the first months of pregnancy to reduce the risk of congenital defects of the brain and spine. All women who have the possibility of becoming pregnant should take a vitamin with folic acid daily. It is also important to observe a healthy diet with fortified foods (cereal-based products, including rice, bread and enriched noodles) and foods with natural sources of folic acid (orange juice, leafy green beans, beans, peanuts, broccoli , asparagus, peas and lentils).

B Drink more fluids (water is better) during pregnancy to help your body compensate for increased blood volume. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water, fruit juice or milk daily. A good way to know if you are drinking enough liquid is if your urine appears a light color, almost like water, or a very pale yellow color.

C Eat healthy foods so that you and the baby to be born have the nutrients they need. In your meals you must include the five basic food groups. You should eat the following every day: 6-11 servings of cereals, 3-5 servings of legumes, 2-4 servings of fruit, 4-6 servings of milk and dairy products, 3-4 servings of meat and protein foods. Foods that are low in fat and high in fiber are important for a healthy diet.

D Legal drugs such as alcohol and coffee are important considerations for pregnant women. There is no amount of alcohol without risk that a woman can drink while pregnant. Alcohol syndrome in the fetus, a disorder characterized by delayed growth, facial abnormalities and central nervous system dysfunction, is caused by a woman's alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Caffeine, found in tea, coffee, soft drinks and chocolate, should also be limited. Do not stop reading the labels if you are planning to reduce caffeine during pregnancy. More than 200 foods, drinks and medicines bought without a prescription contain caffeine!

AND Avoid exposure to toxic substances and chemicals, such as cleaning solvents, lead and mercury, some insecticides and paint. Pregnant women should avoid exposure to paint fumes. For more information, refer to healthy practices when painting interiors.

F Smoking during pregnancy can produce low weight in the baby. Tobacco has been associated with infertility, spontaneous abortions, tubal pregnancies and infant mortality and morbidity. On the other hand, smoking can cause long-term learning disabilities. If you smoke, you should try not to do it anymore. Secondary smoke can also be harmful to the mother and her growing baby. It is a good idea to ask people around you not to smoke during your pregnancy and after the baby is born.

G Genetic tests must be carried out properly. It is important to know your family history. If there have been pregnancy problems or birth defects in your family, tell your doctor. In addition, genetic counselors can provide you with the information you may need to decide whether or not to have children. You can contact a medical center located in your area to help you find a certified genetic counselor.

H Try to join a support group for future moms or participate in a maternity or childbirth class.

I Take 30 milligrams of iron during your pregnancy, as prescribed by your doctor, to reduce the risk of anemia later in pregnancy. All women of childbearing age should observe a diet rich in iron.

J Never overcome your limitations. Tell your doctor if you experience one of the following conditions: pain of any kind, severe cramping, uterine contractions at 20 minutes interval, vaginal bleeding, loss of amniotic fluid, dizziness, fainting, difficult breathing, palpitations, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat heart), constant nausea or vomiting, walking difficulties, edema (swelling of the joints) or if your baby shows less activity.

K Take care of the Kilos. Excess or lack of weight during pregnancy can cause problems. Before pregnancy, try to reach a weight that oscillates within 15 pounds of your ideal weight before pregnancy. Remember, pregnancy is not a period for dieting! Do not stop eating or start skipping meals when you gain weight. Both you and your baby need calories and the nutrition of a healthy diet. Be sure to consult your doctor about the diet you should observe.

L Washing your hands throughout the day is important, especially after touching raw meat or using the bathroom. This can help prevent the spread of many viruses and bacteria that cause infections.


Breastfeeding is the healthiest option for both you and your baby. Talk to your doctor, family and friends, as well as your employer about the way you have chosen to feed your baby and how they can support your decision.

M Medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy and high blood pressure should be treated and controlled. Ask your doctor if you need to change or graduate any medication during pregnancy. If you are taking any medication, ask your doctor if you are not at risk continue taking it during pregnancy. Also talk to him about any herbs or vitamins you are taking. They are medicines too! Talk to your doctor about all medications, bought with and without a prescription, that you are taking.

N Never be afraid to ask your doctor or health care professional about your health. It is better to take all precautions and raise all questions or concerns you may have.

OR The Organization is key. Your baby loves you and you should show him that you love him too. Provide your baby with a healthy living environment during pregnancy. Infants and children require constant attention or guidance. Your health and safety should be carefully observed at all times.

P Propensity to nausea, stomach upset and morning sickness are common during pregnancy. The foods you normally like can disgust you. You may need to exchange them for other nutritious foods. Five or six light meals a day can sit better than three large meals.

Q Stay in constant contact with your doctor and do not stop receiving prenatal care as soon as you think you are pregnant. It is important to visit your doctor regularly throughout pregnancy; Therefore, attend all prenatal care appointments.

R Cough and cold remedies bought over the counter may contain alcohol or other ingredients that should be avoided during pregnancy. Ask your health care provider about prescription and over-the-counter medications you are taking or consider taking while pregnant.

S Saunas, bathtubs and steam rooms should be avoided while pregnant. Excessive heat can harm you during pregnancy.

T Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite that can be extremely harmful to the baby to be born. Avoid eating undercooked meat and handling cat droppings. Be sure to wear gloves when gardening.

OR The size of the uterus increases during the first trimester, which, together with more efficient functioning of the kidneys, may make you feel the need to urinate more often. Urine may also leak when you sneeze, cough or laugh. This is because the growing uterus presses the bladder, which is located directly in front of the uterus and slightly below it during the first months of pregnancy. If you feel burning and desire to urinate frequently, do not stop telling your doctor.

V Vaccines are an important concern for pregnant women. Get the vaccines you need before pregnancy. The recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are clear about the use of vaccines during pregnancy. Review the list and be sure to discuss it with your doctor.

W Please visit the CDC Health Topics Index in Spanish for information on other important prevention issues.

X Avoid x-rays. If you need to have dental work or diagnostic tests, tell your dentist or your doctor that you are pregnant so they can be even more careful.

Y The practice of Yoga, hiking, swimming and exercise on a stationary bicycle are usually exercises without risk for pregnant women. However, always check with your doctor before starting any kind of exercise, especially during pregnancy.

Z ZZZZZ ... Sleep ... Be sure to rest well ... It is advisable to lie on your side as often as possible, particularly on the left side, because that position allows better circulation for your baby and helps reduce swelling.