The ability to be happy is hereditary

Do you usually see the bottle half full or half empty? The answer will depend largely on your genes, as they play an important role in the way people perceive life. So there are many possibilities of that our children see the bottle in the same way that we

And, although we cannot speak strictly of the "gene of happiness", what does exist is a mixture of genes that determine the personality so that you have greater or lesser tendency to be happy.

According to a study published by the magazine 'Psichological Science Journal', suitable genes can act as a barrier against the negative moments of life. Since genetic inheritance determines personality traits, it is also largely responsible for people's happiness, as it will allow us to face difficulties in one way or another.

Scientists have relied for their study on 900 pairs of twins and twins They have different lifestyles. They have concluded that genes condition 50% of the ability to be happy for people after seeing that, in the case of twins, genetically identical, declared feeling equally happy and satisfied with life.

And there are personality traits that predispose to happiness, such as being sociable and not worrying too much. Thus, adequate genes can strengthen us against the negative moments of life and help overcome them.

Of course, we do not owe everything to inheritance in this regard, since the remaining 50% depends on external factors such as social relations, health and work success.

Video: Genetic Therapies for Genetic Diseases: Results and Lessons from Recent Successes (July 2024).