13 Stan Lee Marvel superhero movies to watch with your kids and find their cameos

Yesterday we knew the sad news of the death of Stan Lee, the father of many of Marvel's superheroes.

Spiderman, Patrol X, Avengers, Daredevil or Dr. Strange are some of the heroes created by this comic artist and actor.

We remind you of some famous movies, based on their creations and with their expected cameos, as a tribute to this dreamy artist, who became a character himself.

His twitter account published in black a few hours ago.


- stan lee (@TheRealStanLee) November 12, 2018
In EspinofWhat Excelsior means and why Stan Lee used that word so much

Who was Stan Lee

He was born 95 years ago in New York, with the name of Stanley Martin Lieber. The pseudonym of Stan Lee put it at the beginning of his career at Editorial Timely Publications (later Marvel) to sign the comics of monsters, cowboys and models, so he was not very proud and did not want them to stain his name , with which he intended to write "a great American novel".

In EspinofMuere Stan Lee at age 95: goodbye to the legend of the world of comics

But he never became a novelist, since when on August 8, 1961 he reached the shelves 'Fantastic Four', his life changed completely.

His merit: the humanized heroes

The four protagonists, created by Lee and Jack Kirby, were the opposite of the superheroes of action and without dialogue that had asked him in the publishing house.

They were a family of astronauts with powers that did not wear disguise, with personal problems and who lived in New York. Imperfect heroes like Hulk, Thor, Spiderman, Iron Man or The Avengers were building the new Marvel universe. Later X-Men, Falcon and Black Panther would arrive.

In their stories there was not only room for fighting, but also for dealing with issues as problematic as drug dependence or civil rights.

Although throughout his life there have been controversies about the authorship of his creations, Stan Lee became the iconic image of Marvel, where he was editor in chief until 1996.

Hollywood actor and screenwriter

Screenshot 'Spiderman 3' (2007)

The immersion of his characters on the big screen, gave him even more prominence.

And he also did not limit himself to enjoying the stories of his superheroes adapted to the cinema or television: Reconverted into the most powerful producer in history, he starred in 54 funny cameos, much awaited by his followers.

In XatakaStan Lee and ALL his cameos: from Fox to Sony, going through Disney and even DC, and of course Marvel

Lee's first cameo was in the television series 'The Judgment of the Incredible Hulk', where he acted as a juror. After he appeared in the crowd in X-men, he slipped on the Deadpool poster and came to play the postman of 'The Fantastic Four'.

Did you know that he even sneaked into films and other people's series? He appeared in 'Princess for Surprise 2' and in chapters of 'Big Bang Theory' and 'The Simpsons'.

Stan Lee in a cameo in The Simpsons

The last known is in 'Venom', released this year. Lee meets Tom Hardy at the end of the movie. A puppy walks, looks at him and says: "Hey, I hope you two can make it work with that girl."

But perhaps it has left us one last surprise: some voices of the American cenamotrographic industry hint that it gave him time to record his posthumous parsition in 'The Avengers 4', which is scheduled to be released in May 2019.

We will have to wait for its premiere, scheduled for May 2019, to see if it is true. Meanwhile, we recommend some of his latest movies, available to enjoy at home with your children. And on the hunt for his cameos!

X-men (2000)

Professor Xavier leads Wolverine and other superheroes against Magneto, a mutant that will dominate humanity.

In his first appearance on the big screen, he is a seller in a hot dog stand.

Screenshot 'X-Men'

The Fantastic Four (2005)

The origin of these four astronauts who become superheroes after being exposed to cosmic radiation during a mission in outer space.

He created these four characters in 1961 and marked his greatest success. When the story arrived at the cinema, Lee went with her as a mailman who enters the Baxter Building. On the way he greets the heroes.

Screenshot 'The Fantastic Four'

Iron-Man 2 (2008)

With the world now aware that he is Iron Man, millionaire inventor Tony Stark must forge new alliances and face a new and powerful enemy.

In this Sony Pictures tape they confuse Stan Lee with Larry King.

Screenshot of 'Iron Man 2'.

The Incredible Hulk (2008)

Bruce Banner seeks a cure for his 'problem' while trying to avoid being captured by the enemy.

In Hulk's creator he appears drinking a soda mixed with Bruce Banner's blood.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)

Lee also dabbled on television. In this case making himself in the first season of this organization that appears in the world of Marvel.

You can continue watching the series on different pay-TV platforms, such as Netflix.

Screenshot 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Captain America, the Black Widow and a new ally, the Falcon, face an unexpected enemy as they fight to make known a conspiracy that puts the world at risk.

Stan Lee has appeared in the entire saga of this superhero. In this installment he is the night watchman of the Captain America Museum. Under his responsibility someone has stolen the hero's costume: "I'm going to be fired for this".

Screenshot 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'

Guardians of the galaxy (2014)

A space adventurer becomes the prey of treasure hunters after he steals the orb of a treacherous villain. When he discovers his power, he must find a way to unite rivals to save the universe.

On this occasion, Stan Lee appears having a conversation with a woman younger than him.

Screenshot 'Guardians of the Galaxy'

The Avengers: The Age of Ultron (2015)

The Avengers meet again and join forces with those of the newcomers Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to fight a Machiavellian robot called Ultron, which Tony Stark created in order to defend peace, but proved defective and now intends to exterminate All of humanity

Here, the comic book waiter, put himself in the shoes of a war veteran invited to the celebration at the Avengers Tower and shares with Thor a very old bottle of wine. As a result, Lee gets so drunk that they should help him get home.

Screenshot 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron'

Ant-Man (2015)

With the ability to shrink in size but grow in strength, a scammer must help his mentor protect the secret of his Ant-Man suit and face a robbery that will save the world.

In this movie, Stan Lee plays a bartender. Your dialogue: "Yes, he is quite a cousin", when referring to a young journalist.

Screenshot 'Ant-Man'

Dr. Strange (2016)

After suffering an accident, a brilliant and arrogant surgeon seeks to rehabilitate himself through alternative techniques. His attempts lead him to discover that he has been appointed to lead the fight against a dark and supernatural force.

Stan Lee appears reading a newspaper while the protagonist faces the forces of evil.

Screenshot 'Dr. Strange '

Spiderman: homecoming (2017)

Peter Parker assumes his new identity as Spiderman and returns to live with his aunt after his adventure with the Avengers. Upon returning, while still under the tutelage of Tony Stark, he discovers that a new and ruthless enemy has emerged that claims to destroy everything he loves: the Vulture.

In the latest installment of the spiderman, directed by Sony, we caught him talking through the window.

Screenshot 'Spiderman: Homecoming'

Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Thor is imprisoned at the other end of the universe. He needs to return in time to prevent the almighty Hela from destroying his world, but to escape his confinement and avoid the apocalypse he will have to defeat the Incredible Hulk before in a gladiatorial tournament.

Here, the Marvel producer plays the extravagant hairdresser who cuts Thor's hair.

Screenshot 'Thor Ragnarok'

Black Panther (2018)

After his father dies, T'Challa returns to his nation, Wakanda. Once there, he discovers that he has a terrible new enemy, and T'Challa assumes the Black Panther personality to save not only the kingdom of Wakanda, but all of humanity.

In one of the scenes T'Challa sees an old acquaintance at a betting table: CIA agent Everett Ross. To hide the talk, the king of Wakanda matches and deposits a good amount of chips that he later abandons. Stan Lee takes possession of them: "Let me keep them here."

Photos | Marvel

Video: Every Stan Lee Cameo Ever 1989-2018 (July 2024).