Video surveillance of premature babies at home

The new Vigo hospital, which will become the largest hospital in Galicia, will have innovative technical advances in all its areas, including neonatal care.

They are working on a project called "Home hospital" which will give parents a lot of peace of mind allow you to monitor premature babies discharged who are already at home via a camcorder connected to the hospital.

Doctors can thus follow the evolution of newborns during the 24 hours and diagnose them through a camera and a monitor. Families will be given a special trundle bed with built-in audio and a motion sensor that blows an alarm if the child stops breathing.

Thus, through a computer, a webcam and a high-speed connection the baby can always be monitored, which will help minimize the anguish of the parents during the first days of the baby at home.

Another good news is that the hospital will expand the space allocated to the Neonatology Intensive Care unit to implement "Family Centered Care (FCC)". Parents can spend as much time as they want with their babies, practice the kangaroo method, spend the night with their children and have a greater flexibility of visiting hours, which is a great advance in the humanization in the care of newborns born Of course, we celebrate it.

Video: Sensors are first to monitor babies in the NICU (July 2024).