More than half of the parents of hyperactive children are also

He hyperactivity syndrome and attention deficit It is currently the most frequent neuropsychiatric pathology in childhood. One of the keys to its correct treatment is early detection, so parents should be aware of the signs that may indicate that our child has it.

A surprising fact about the disorder has been made known by Alberto Fernández, head of Neuropediatrics at the Quirón Hospital in Madrid, at a press conference. He has indicated that more than half of the parents who come to the consultation because they suspect that their child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder suffer the same disorder as your child.

The cause is that it is a disease that is due to an imbalance of neuroendocrine substances whose origin is hereditary in 85 percent of cases. Although it seems an invisible disorder, according to the WHO, it affects 8% of the child population and 5% of the adult population.

When the syndrome is detected in any of the parents, the experts consider that it is convenient to treat the adult first and then the child, because in this way family anxiety pictures are avoided and the child receives greater support from his parents making his evolution Be more favorable.

One in ten children over 6 years of age suffers from hyperactivity syndrome and attention deficit, a neurological disorder that modifies their behavior, but it is estimated that 20% of affected children are not diagnosed since their symptoms can be confused with misconduct Childhood or other pathologies.

It is important to go to a specialist at the slightest suspicion, since if one of the parents also suffers from it, it is convenient to receive treatment both one and the other, to achieve a better quality of life.

Video: Does my Child Have ADHD? (July 2024).