The postpartum lochia

The lochia are vaginal secretions that last between 6 and 8 weeks after giving birth, during the puerperium. The lochia are formed a flow that contains blood, cervical mucus and placental tissue.

When the lochiae are intense, special cloths or compresses are used, and with the passage of time, when the quantity of lochia decreases, normal compresses can be used. The compress should be changed frequently, and the use of tampons in these cases is discouraged due to the possibility of infections.

Although formerly it was considered that the lochia were somewhat impure, it is a normal physiological process, and the mother can shower quietly during this period for hygiene. For baths it is preferable to wait a while, to prevent possible infections.

The smell of this secretion is similar to that of the menstrual flow. If we detect a fetid in the lochia we must go to the specialist, as it could indicate a possible infection.

We can distinguish three stages in the secretion of lochia, three types of lochia:

  • "Lochia rubra": it is the first flow after childbirth, reddish in color due to the abundant presence of blood and usually does not last more than 3 to 5 days after delivery. It can flow continuously or through intervals and may contain clots, especially if the new mother has been lying down for a while.
  • "Lochia serosa": it is less thick and changes to a brown, light brown or pink color. It contains a serous exudate of erythrocytes, leukocytes and cervical mucus. This stage continues approximately until the tenth day after delivery.
  • "Lochia alba": is the last stage, which begins when the flow becomes whitish or light yellowish. It can last until the third or sixth week after delivery. It contains less red blood cells and is composed almost entirely of white blood cells, epithelial cells, cholesterol, fats and mucus.

Definitely, postpartum lochia they are a natural physiological process necessary to eliminate the remains of the lining of the uterus that have formed during pregnancy, as well as the secretions that occur when the wound that leaves the placenta after healing is healed.

Video: 6 Week Postpartum Update. TMI Postpartum Bleeding Smells Like Dead Animal? Lochia (July 2024).