They ask for a scheduled C-section and they are denied

Caesarean section, if not medically justified, should be avoided as it has clear risks to the health of the mother and the baby. However, there are cases that make us rethink things, especially when we empathize with the parents' emotional situation. Today I bring you a current case in this regard: parents they have requested a scheduled caesarean section and have been denied.

A couple asked the Maternal and Child Hospital of Granada that the mother be programmed a caesarean section for fearing the consequences of a vaginal birth. Not finding medical reasons that made it necessary, the treating doctors have denied it. These parents have contacted the Patient Advocate and he has sent a letter to the Minister of Health of Andalusia, María Jesús Montero, asking him to authorize.

The mother had had a first birth in which she considers that there was malpractice. The baby was overweight and the mother was very small. The delivery lasted 17 hours and the parents consider that the sequels their child has had were due to the insistence on vaginal delivery.

They do not want to repeat the experience. They are afraid of something similar happening and it is understandable, a traumatic birth, especially if the baby is affected, leaves deep psychological traces in the mother.

However, doctors do not attend to the will of the patient, because they consider that there are no risks a priori in a vaginal delivery and that programming a C-section can cause major problems. Surely they are right, even if it were true that there was bad praxis in the first birth.

I defend that no scheduled caesarean sections except in truly necessary cases, as is a previous placenta. Babies with buttocks, twins, large babies that do not clearly exceed 4 and a half kilos, can all have a birth by vaginal delivery, or, of course, wait until the delivery is naturally triggered before deciding on a C-section.

But it is really difficult for me to try to force this mother to face a vaginal birth in these circumstances. They have requested in a reasoned manner a scheduled caesarean section and they have been denied . I don't know if it should be done or not. The doctors' explanations do not convince them, although it is true that programming the caesarean section is not convenient. What do you think?

Via | 20 minutes
In Babies and more | How is a C-section performed? Is there a C-section delivery?

Video: 11-Year-Old Argentine Girl Denied An Abortion. TIME (July 2024).