My experience with pediatricians little friends of school and breastfeeding (I)

My experiences with pediatricians little friends of school and breastfeeding Maternal were not nice. Pediatricians often ask questions of all kinds in the office, all of them destined, no doubt, to detect possible problems in the baby. However, sometimes they exceed the limit of personal intimacy and interfere in certain issues that I don't think have anything to do with their work plot.

By experience, I got used to the fact that there are things that were not a matter of the pediatrician and others in which my criterion as an informed mother is the one that should be worth. Perhaps the first question I would point out is that the pediatrician is the doctor who treats children's diseases and confirms their proper development. However, in their training or in their culture, they usually fall into certain ideas that I consider obsolete and that lead them to question parenting approaches or to impose false or merely opinionable concepts.

The Breastfeeding It is the first stone on the road, at least it was in my experience, and I would like readers to share their experiences with us in this regard. My first pediatrician, highly recommended in my town, I fear that he had stopped recycling many years ago and his support for breastfeeding was unreal.

We left the hospital with artificial feeding and with home follow-up due to early discharge, since the baby weighed less than two kilos. For two hard months we were achieving relactation and after two months he fed exclusively with his chest. For her this was a secondary issue and did not provide any help.

When I started working I maintained breastfeeding and provided breastmilk to my son through an extractor. She, on the other hand, considered that complementary feeding should begin at four months without even considering that my son had been premature and had an excellent growth curve.

Fortunately I ignored him and from then on my confidence in her decreased, especially as I investigated on my own. The pediatrician He insisted that the chest should always be given after the porridge and not before. He also indicated and even gave me samples of artificial milk and industrial cereal porridge to be given instead of the extracted breast milk and the creams of rice or natural corn that he gave. If I had not been firm and had informed me surely breastfeeding would be over then.

My milk, from the sixth month, was no longer important, what counted was that the child would take half a liter of artificial milk a day, a lot of complementary feeding instead of breast and above all, that the Estivill method will apply to Let him sleep alone and in his room if he didn't want him to become half upset. Each consultation ended in worse terms, because I do not allow them to treat me as unconscious or ignorant, and less for not wanting to use a milk that my son did not need, which of course was still growing great. At one year the child should be weaned.

I reached my limit. Me milk, according to her, was already just water and I couldn't have almost milk, whatever I said. The boy was still perfectly in his percentiles and was very healthy and active, but that didn't count. His knowledge of infused science was superior to any recommendation of the WHO or the AEP. Of course, I changed my pediatrician, continuing to breastfeed on demand whenever I was at home and supplementing it with adequate and natural food.

Later I found everything. Some were amazed that a two or three year old boy was breastfeeding but acknowledged that WHO recommended it even though they considered it somewhat anecdotal. When they asked how much milk I drank I was very sure of what to say: drink as much as you want and the best in the world.

I even found a lovely pediatrician who, after chatting with my son and being astonished at his ability to express himself, congratulated me for keeping breastfeeding at four years, considering that it was one of the factors that affect greater intellectual development and general health.

Sure, the feeding It was something else. You had to eat porridge and eat chard at the risk of being malnourished and you had to eat everything absolutely and in huge quantities. My son always ate a small amount and all kinds of food, having a complete diet. But he ate what he wanted and how much he wanted.

Tomorrow I tell you how things evolved and above all, how I faced the issue of colecho.

Video: PEDIATRIC NURSING. Tips for Success (July 2024).