Five characteristics of babies born in December, according to science

December has begun and if you are in your last weeks of pregnancy, it may be the month of birth of your little offspring. It is a special month for the Christmas atmosphere that invades us, and it is even more so if your baby is born on December 24 or 25. When everyone is thinking about Christmas dinner, the best gift you can get comes into your life.

Do you think that the date on which a person is born influences in some way on his personality? Science has taken care of investigating the relationship between the time of birth and certain characteristics in people, and although of course many other factors influence, the results indicate that Babies born in December are more likely than those born in other months of the year of some things that we tell you below.

They are longer

According to a study published in the Journal of Aging Research, people born in the month of December they live longer. They are more likely to reach 105 years, or even more. They are the last of the year to celebrate their birthday, but they will do it more times.

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They are the smallest in the class

Children born at the end of the year they will be the smallest in the class. In childhood, almost twelve months apart can be very significant when it comes to acquiring new skills and knowledge, since a child of the same class born in January will be maturingly more advanced than one born in December, and therefore will be Easier to learn new things.

Of all sludge, being of the smallest class also has its advantages, since they are motivated to try and move forward. Studies show that when graduating, younger students outperform the elderly. If they can, me too.

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It's more in the morning

A study by Spanish and Italian students found that people born in December are significantly more likely to be more active in the mornings than people born in summer (July and August).

In addition, other research that relates the time of birth to people's sleep preferences, concludes that those born in December tend to go to bed sooner than those born in summer. They enjoy going to sleep early to enjoy the next day from the first minute.

It is more likely to be left handed

About 15% of babies are born left-handed, a condition not only genetic but also environmental.

According to research conducted by scientists from the University of Vienna, Children born in November, December and January They are more likely to be left-handed, however this trend did not occur among girls.

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You are more likely to be an athlete

There are several investigations that indicate that children born in autumn in the northern hemisphere are more likely to be elite athletes.

The findings revealed that the month of birth of a child could contribute to significant differences in their levels of cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, which are factors that determine how good a person is in a sport.

Children born in October were the fittest, closely followed by those in December. This could possibly be due to the exposure to vitamin D they already had from the mother's womb, which contributes to the formation of stronger bones and greater muscle mass.

Video: Scientists Prove: Your Birth Month Defines Your Health and Personality (July 2024).