The gut of future parents also grows

When their women are pregnant, some men joke while they rub the belly saying they are also "pregnant", because they have increased a few extra pounds.

The gut of the woman grows in pregnancy. That of men, too. Future parents also gain weight during pregnancy. And it is not just a popular belief.

This has been confirmed by a British study in which 5,000 men have been surveyed about to become fathers. The results revealed that future parents gain an average of 6.35 kilos during pregnancy.

The reasons are varied. The first, and most remarkable because they are supposed to do it for us, is solidarity with his wife. 25% say they eat more so that their women do not feel alone in gaining weight. The problem is that they do not eat more fruit and vegetables, but foods high in calories and fat such as beer, pizza, chocolate and fried foods.

On the other hand, they say that they go out to eat outside their home together with their partner to take advantage of the last months without children, while they also blame the weight gain that their women usually prepare at home more abundant meals than usual.

At first impression it seems that they blame us for their weight gain, but when we worry about losing extra kilos after delivery, they do not put the same interest. Only one third are put on a diet once the baby is born.

Beyond jokes, it is not the first time that man has spoken of a sign of motherhood, such as the increase in gut and eating more than usual.

It has also been shown that men may experience morning sickness in addition to some typical pregnancy symptoms such as cravings for certain foods or backaches. It is known as the Covada Syndrome, a term from the French "couvade" = incubating.

These signs of empathy in the couple are nothing more than the reflection of an emotional connection between two people who are going to become parents.

Video: Jordan Peterson - The Tragic Story of the Man-Child (July 2024).