Highlights in Babies and more: May 25-31

You already know that every Monday we review the most outstanding contents that we have offered in the blog over the past week.

As we anticipated a few days ago, taking advantage of the proximity of the holidays we have a new Special called Traveling with Babies that we have begun to develop. We have responded at what age babies can travel and we have talked about the basic kit that parents should take when traveling with them.

For its part, we have presented a beautiful spot for promoting breastfeeding entitled "Nothing like mom, nothing like breastfeeding", a project in which our editor Mireia has had a lot to do.

We have also talked about something that worries many parents whose first part we have presented a few days ago: how the delays in the psychomotor development of children are detected, this time according to the Haizea-Llevant Table. In turn we have given some advice to help them leave the diaper.

A news that has caught our attention has been the birth of a baby of 6 kilos and 65 cm in size at birth, a fact that has given us the opportunity to talk about giant newborns.

One of our favorite scientists in terms of their understanding of attachment is Eduard Punset. We have posted a video that states that the first six years are vital for emotional development. Speaking of videos, but this time about something horrible, we put one on how a child should not be treated at school.

We have discussed how parents should act in the park, as well as we have commented that the age of premature babies should be corrected during the first two years.

As we do every month, we offered the lunar calendar of the month of June to know the time of delivery.

Finally, one of the most original articles that we have presented for the little ones are slate vinyl to decorate the walls of the children's room.

So far the summary with the highlights of the last days. This week, much more.

Video: Kyle Kuzma - Sky Hooks, Jump Hooks, and Push Shots (July 2024).