A school installed a book vending machine, and kids love it!

Reading is one of the most beautiful habits that we can inherit to our children and that also brings various benefits: it helps stimulate the imagination, enrich the language by learning new words and also, when we read them aloud we help their development socio-emotional

Therefore, we must find a way to encourage reading in them and make it part of their daily lives. In a school they know this well, and that's why they decided promote reading in a fun way to your students: installing a book vending machine.

The # 61 Arthur O. Eve School in Buffalo, New York, recently opened a new vending machine within its facilities. But it is not the typical food and beverage vending machines, but a very special one, because it delivers books to the students of the school.

In Babies and more How to encourage reading in children: nine keys to love books

To ensure that all of your students can benefit from the vending machine, Each month they will be given a special currency that they will use to insert it into the machine and choose one of the books shown behind the showcase.

In a video published by the local WFBO news, you can see how one of the students uses the machine for the first time, chooses a book and then shows it with joy to the media and students who were present during the inauguration.

According to the school principal, Each month a number of students will be randomly selected to choose books, so that everyone has the opportunity to choose one of them at the time, and they can keep the book to take home.

Machine It was acquired by a community organization that was responsible for raising money to buy it and fill it with books, so that students could start using it immediately. Although the books will be resupplied by a company that will donate them, writers were openly invited to donate books and some authors were moved by the proposal.

How cool… the first book vending machine in one of our Buffalo Public schools. Kids earn tokens and get a free book! Hey, authors, anyone want to help keep it filled? #kidsneedbooks pic.twitter.com/pk4NYrH5lp

- Dee Romito (@writeforapples) November 27, 2018

Within the selection of books appropriate editions for all ages of school students are included, which range from preschool-age children, up to around 10 years old, and that can be taken for free.

And about the reaction of the children? The machine has enchanted them and they cannot wait until it is their turn to use it. This reminds us of a study in which it was discovered that although technology has become part of our lives, children prefer to read books on paper and not on a screen.

Initiatives like this book vending machine They are one of the many ways and resources that we can use to bring books to children and thus encourage the habit of reading in a novel and fun way.

Video: Vending machine at elementary school doles out newest kids books (July 2024).