Pregnancy and influenza A: symptoms and advice

Infections with the new influenza A virus were first identified in April. Since then the media keep us informed of the number of infections, deaths and recommendations to prevent and treat it. We know that pregnant women are considered a risk group and therefore, the concern of pregnant mothers is considerable. For this reason we are preparing to summarize in one topic the recommendations for pregnancy and the flu A.

Pregnant women: risk group

Pregnant women are considered a risk group Regarding this pandemic, although so far, in general terms, it is not a disease with high mortality. What does it mean that they are a risk group?

Complications have been reported in pregnant women and children in this disease, although the mechanisms by which the most serious problems can develop are not known with sufficient certainty. These issues remain under investigation.

However, it is clear that normal seasonal flu is more severe in pregnant women and the most common complications. In addition, in the great influenza pandemics of the last century (1918-1919 and 1957 to 1958) data were collected of a higher mortality among pregnant women, and also an index of spontaneous abortions and premature births especially in those who developed pneumonia.

Therefore, both influenza A reports and references to other pandemics indicate that pregnancy increases the risk of complications for the mother and the baby. Exact official figures regarding the higher percentage of risks compared to the general population I have not found, but I do not think they are so scandalously striking. Influenza a still has hospitalization and complications that are not particularly worrying, and, although the chances of complications in pregnancy are 4 to 1, it would still be a normal risk. However, speaking of people the statistics do not reassure, let alone if a serious case touches you.

Symptoms, treatment and complications of influenza A

The flu symptoms A They are common in the rest of these viral processes: pain, malaise, headache, rhinorrhea and throat inflammation, as well as fever. Headaches and muscle aches may be especially severe. In principle, other complications do not have to occur in a generalized way.

However, official recommendations consider that all pregnant women with symptoms corresponding to influenza A should have diagnostic tests to determine the nature of the infection and it is also said that treatment should be started as soon as possible to make them more effective. . Diagnostic tests take several days. That is to say, from the official organisms the use of antiviral drugs in pregnant women is indicated and their application is not rejected before confirming the diagnosis.

There are no conclusive studies on the effects of flu medication A in pregnant women or in embryos and fetuses, so the decision to administer it should take into account that its benefits are greater than a potential risk, although, as we have said, pregnancy is not considered to be a contraindication for its use.

The complications What may occur are secondary bacterial infections, including pneumonia and pneumonia. In those special cases there may be fetal distress and maternal mortality. You have to be very attentive, because in this flu and especially in pregnant women, there may be a very rapid upsurge. Therefore, if respiratory problems or an altered consciousness are perceived, you must go to the medical center quickly.

One of the best studied harmful effects of influenza is its associated hyperthermia. Studies have shown that maternal hyperthermia during the first trimester doubles the risk of neural tube defects and can be associated with other birth defects. The limited data suggest that the risk for birth defects associated with fever could be mitigated by medication, but always, always, under medical prescription.

The mother's high fever during labor has been shown to be a risk factor for the condition of the newborn. Therefore fever in pregnant women should be treated due to the risk that the hyperthermia appears to pose to the fetus.

Pregnancy should not be considered a contraindication for treatment with antivirals, which can be done orally or by inhalation. It is recommended to start treatment immediately if there are symptoms and keep it for five days.

If the doctor is inclined to prophylaxis of the disease, taking into account the incubation time, the treatment will then be 10 days, to ensure effectiveness.

The antivirals more effective right now are the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir and zanamivir in generic). However, research is still being carried out and, of course, self-medication is never recommended in any case, let alone in pregnant women.

There is talk of mass vaccinations in Spain as soon as the vaccine is available, which has already begun to be used in control groups in other countries, and when pregnant women are distributed here, as well as those under 14, chronic patients and health personnel , it seems that they will be chosen as groups to vaccinate. Of course, the final decision will be of the patients, so it is advisable to seek all possible information about the possible adverse effects that it may have so that the decision we make is informed and free.

It seems that there will not be the same criteria in all countries, but the vaccination of pregnant women is a common line in which everyone seems to be satisfied.

Flu A Prevention

Since influenza A is a viral disease of person-to-person transmission via the area, some can be taken prevention measures They serve for this and other cases.

Washing your hands frequently and not touching your mouth or nose are purely logical measures that should add to a reduction in contact with sick people or with groups or places where the disease has been detected. In reality, little else can be done except hygiene and, if we begin to sneeze, avoid doing so in the environment or in the hand. It is recommended not to kiss or shake hands when greeting, because these parts of the body are where viruses can concentrate.

Do not share food, cutlery, or glasses. It is also convenient to ventilate the closed spaces well and let the sun enter. Regarding going to spaces where there are many people, logic would tell us that it is better to avoid them, but only in specific cases would it be requested to stop going to the office or school.


A concern close to panic begins to be perceived in some people, however, influenza A is another disease, not especially dangerous for the majority of the population and with lower risks than many of our daily activities: smoking or driving leads to greater chances of death today. We have to keep very quiet, first of all.

We already know that the spread of the baby during pregnancy or breastfeeding is not due to these physiological processes, so this may be another argument to keep calm.

Anyway, as I was saying, I believe that the first responsibility for our health is ours, and not of the State or of any authority. That is why we must inform ourselves independently to reach a thoughtful conclusion. As always, in health matters, for me, Miguel Jara's blog is an indispensable reference, which offers visions somewhat different from the official line. I encourage you to read it.

Summarizing, pregnant women are considered a risk group when it comes to influenza A and it is important that they are attentive to try to prevent it and, in the case of suffering from it or having been in contact with it, they should see a doctor to be treated properly.

Video: Infectious Diseases: Common cold or the flu? (June 2024).