"The colors are colors, and the pink can be of babies or girls", the great lesson of a child about the sixth in clothes

Sexist advertising, our behavior as adults or the phrases that we say unconsciously to children, is gradually entering into them, helping perpetuate gender roles and sexism. Parents should be aware of this situation, and bet on educating our children in equality and respect.

That is why we liked this video so much that we bring you next, in which a little Argentine and his mother share what happened to them in a clothing store and the lesson they gave with their response.

As we can see in the video, the boy and his mother explain what happened to them in a clothing store, when they went to buy children's pants. It seems that the little boy had noticed fuchsia pants, but the clerk told him that those pants "were girls", and urged him to take a look at the boys section.

Given the attitude of the saleswoman, the boy and his mother told him that "there are no colors of boys or girls", and that anyone can choose to wear a pink, blue or color garment of their choice. "What does it matter! The colors are colors, and the pink can be babies or girls" - He vehemently explains this little one, in the video.

In Babies and more The reaction of a girl to see sexism in children's clothing, a very reasoned anger that has gone viral

We really liked that despite his young age, this child is so clear, and that his family is educating him in equality. The children of today will be the adults of the future, and thanks to the education they receive free from prejudices and stereotypes, will manage to eliminate many of the sexist attitudes that still exist in society.

The sixth in clothes

In recent years, children's clothing has been the subject of analysis and criticism by a large number of consumers, who see in the messages of the garments, colors and designs a clear example of sexism.

A collection presented by the GAP firm two years ago, sparked a wave of criticism for the sexist content of the messages on their shirts, in which the phrases, "the most popular" (on girl's clothes), and " the little academic "(in those of children).

The association of the terms, girl = beautiful and boy = intelligent, we also saw a few years ago in a bodys for babies that Hipercor had to withdraw from the market, before the complaint of several associations.

It is because of that more and more clothing firms have begun to manufacture children's fashion of non-specific or neutral gender, where children decide how they want to dress regardless of colors, prints or sex.

In Babies and more A mother creates a line of clothes for girls, because she got tired of finding only shorts that were too short

In addition, some stores have decided to remove the labels or posters of clothing items, where the customer was told if he was in the female or male section. In this way, it is the child himself who decides whether or not he wants the garment in his hands.

And it is important that both clothes and toys, respect the child's individuality and tastes, and do not guide you in your choices. It is great that a girl decides to opt for pink and glitter, and for a boy to choose blue and the prints of supperhores, but also offer the possibility of changing the tables if our children so wish.

In Babies and more "Stereo", the short of a 13-year-old girl showing the inverted gender stereotypes

What is clear, and judging by the lesson that this little one gives us in the video, is that the mentality is changing in favor of equality between boys and girls, either thanks to the education of the families, as to the measures that begin to be taken at social level, from schools, businessmen and publicity.

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