Did you keep a lock of hair, the umbilical cord, your children's teeth? Memories that are treasures

My mother still keeps my sister's milk teeth and mine in two little wooden boxes. I thought it was disgusting to keep them, but now that I am a mother I see it with different eyes: it is I myself who keeps my daughters' teeth falling into three beautiful little boxes, with the permission of Ratoncito Pérez.

I also have a small strand of hair from each one in a bag (the first one I cut), and of course the positive pregnancy tests. With what I could not, because I was afraid, it is with the umbilical cord, although I know of mothers who have it stored with tweezers and everything as a relic. Because where some see unpleasant organic remains, others they see memories of their children that are treasures and want to keep them for life.

Create a memory box

If you are pregnant, I recommend you start doing it now. If your baby is already born, although some things that you now consider valuable have ended who knows where, or worse, in the garbage, it is never too late to start creating memories.

Pregnancy and the arrival of your baby is something you will love to remember later. If you haven't done it yet, I recommend creating a souvenir box where to keep those elements that are meaningful to you.

The memories you keep today can be shared in a few years with your children and tell them stories about how they came to the world or key moments in their childhood.

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Other memories of the children you can keep

Everything is likely to be stored as a souvenir if we get carried away, but it is important that we have certain criteria when choosing what we are going to stay with and what not If we don't want to accumulate a lot of things.

We give you some ideas of memories that you can keep, in addition to the hair, teeth and umbilical cord we have talked about before.

  • Ultrasound of pregnancy: either in paper or video format.

  • His first clothes: the first one you bought him, or the first one he used at birth.

  • Many photographs of course

  • Your medical birth record sheet: where your birth data is recorded (time, Apgar test, blood group, etc.)

  • His birth album

  • Hospital identification bracelets

  • His first booties

  • His first stuffed animal

  • His drawings

  • His first bib

In Babies and more What to do with baby clothes that your children no longer have
  • The newspaper of the day he was born

  • The umbilical cord clamp

  • Your favorite pacifier

  • The list of names that you have shuffled

  • The first birthday candle

  • The traces of his little hands and feet at birth

  • The first time you write your name

  • Your first school notebook

Can you think of any more memories that you have saved or that you would have liked to keep?