Legumes in infant feeding: chickpeas

Continuing with our special on Child nutrition and focusing on legumes, we arrive today at chickpea. Chickpea, is a legume that has been cultivated thousands of years ago throughout the Mediterranean and part of Asia, and has had an enormous importance in human food for its simple cultivation, its resistance to drought and its richness in nutrients.

It is the fruit of the "Cicer arietinum" has a round shape, with a small beak. It has a light brown color and a fairly rough skin. It must be cooked for consumption although it can also be consumed in the form of flour in other preparations less widespread in our country but equally delicious.

It has a great richness in nutrients. For every 100 grams we find 20 of proteins and 50 of hydrates. It also has fiber and unsaturated fats, so it does not provide cholesterol and also protects against its adverse effects. It has group B vitamins in addition to minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium.

The proteins it provides, as in the rest of the usual legumes, are not complete, but combined with cereals, such as rice, it becomes a complete dish that covers all the needs in this regard, and also provides energy and minerals.

He chickpea It is very energetic, but having low fat, fiber and being low in sodium is an ideal food for children, who can take it full by the year of age, usually after ten months, pureed or croquettes, being interesting Know that relieves constipation. At first it is better to remove the skin to avoid excessive weight for the intestine in digestion, being attentive to possible allergic reactions, which, although unusual, can occur.

Video: Baby eats garbanzo beans (July 2024).