Traveling by car with children and babies: questions with answers

We start today a special in Babies and more on travel by car with children and babies. Over the next few days, we will go over everything that involves taking the road with the smallest of the house. We will talk about car seats, distractions for babies ... and for not-so-babies and even the dreaded "how much left to arrive?"

This is a special we have prepared to enjoy it among all, and that is why we set it in motion in the best way we can think of, which is by proposing a small game. We want you to throw us questions about traveling by car with children and babies. Any question that has arisen, any question, simple or complex as it may seem, deserves an adequate answer, and that is our intention: that there is no question left unanswered on a topic that can become as complicated as it is everyday.

A example to break the ice? Okay, there it goes:

Can I use a child's car seat for another?

Okay, it may seem that the question remains a bit obvious, but the answer we will give may also hide some detail that is not so obvious. And, in principle, if at the time of using the car seat both children have an equivalent size and weight, there should be no major problem but, yes, as long as we check that all anchors, straps and elements in general remain almost Like the first day. It would not be the first time to a child seat inherited missing a brace or an anchor that fell you go to know where. It is what the things that happen from one brother to another have, that since they are not stored in a bag or box while they cannot be recycled they run the risk of losing pieces along the way.

In addition, it may be that with the passage of time some components, especially those of plastic, have acquired a certain clearance, and it can also happen that if we have stored the chair in which corner of the garage the foam inside has deteriorated or moistened , so that you have to verify that everything is fine. And if this is not the case and we have to buy a new chair, we will always have the comfort of thinking that each generation of child seats is safer for the child or the baby than its predecessor.

And nothing, that there we leave the comments field so that you can send us all your concerns. In a few days we will publish the answers so that together we solve those doubts that may arise about traveling by car with children and babies, and in the meantime we will tell you questions as varied as what to do so that children do not disturb during the trip, what are the best child seats and even How to avoid dizziness in the car.

We look forward to your contributions!

The club detail

Sponsor: At the Opel Meriva Baby and More Club, we propose a space to share ideas, experiences and promotions related to the car as a vehicle for the family. Stay tuned to this section and you will have access to all the information you need about children and babies as a decisive factor when buying a car. A page that aims to provide valuable content for all parents who are in the complicated situation of choosing a car. Good car to travel comfortable and safe with the little ones.

Video: Safe Travelling With Your Child (July 2024).