Mothers who go through an unplanned caesarean section would be more likely to suffer from postpartum depression: study

Thanks to the multiple studies and research that are being carried out, there are currently many data that are known about postpartum depression. For example, we know that it is the number one health complication during and after pregnancy, and therefore, every day more work is done to find the reasons that cause it.

According to one study, one of these could be the way babies are born, because according to this research, mothers who have an unplanned or emergency caesarean section are more likely to suffer from postpartum depression.

The study

Published in the magazine Journal of Health Economics, the study He analyzed the influence on the mental health of new mothers the way in which their babies were born, particularly, unplanned caesarean sections.

The emergency caesarean section is the one that It is done when there is a complication during childbirth, and in that case, it is best for mom and baby to resort to it. As we know, caesarean section is not the best for the baby, and although many doctors recommend doing it even if it is not needed, the reality is that this should only be done in emergency situations, when for health reasons it should be done.

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According to the results of the study, which analyzed the data of 5,000 first-time mothers in the United Kingdom, having an unplanned or emergency caesarean section due to complications during childbirth, 15% increase the likelihood of first-time mothers suffering from postpartum depression, unlike those who have a natural birth.

To reach this result, analyzed the mental health of mothers during the first nine months after the birth of their children, taking into account if they had an emergency C-section, their mental health history, as well as the differences in the levels of resources and personnel they had during their hospital stay.

The researchers explain that with this analysis, they contribute to the debate about the possible effects that unplanned caesarean sections can have on the health of mothers during postpartum, and thus improve the care they receive at this stage. .

Video: Sadhguru on Pregnancy & Motherhood (May 2024).