Keys to coping with pregnancy rest

Occasionally pregnancy complications arise that force the mother to rest. It is the doctor who will indicate if the pregnant woman should make a moderate rest such as avoiding efforts, lowering the rhythm of life, or if it is necessary to make absolute rest to safeguard the baby's life.

The truth is that it is a stressful situation, both for the pregnant woman and for the rest of the family. Negative thoughts, the feeling of guilt, concern for the health of the baby ... But it is important not to lose your temper and consider some keys to coping with pregnancy rest the best possible.

While there are supporters that standing still in bed is not effective in preventing preterm birth in single pregnancies, it is a widespread recommendation that is still advised.

Let's see some tips so that the rest time becomes more bearable and turn it into a positive therapy.

Don't lose sight of the reason

When moments of despair arise we must not lose sight of the reason for rest, which is nothing less than protect your baby.

He needs you to be able to continue growing inside of you for as long as possible.

When it comes to the first weeks of pregnancy, it is very important that the conditions are optimal for housing the embryo in its primary development.

Think that the rest is for a certain time and that the reward for the effort will be the best of the prizes: to have your child in your arms.

Count on the support of your loved ones

The support of the couple, friends and family is essential to better cope with the resting stage. Being disabled it is necessary to have someone to take care of household chores, especially if there are more children to look after.

It is also important from the emotional aspect. It is a delicate situation and anyone is comforted by the love and understanding of loved ones in the least pleasant moments.

Contact other mothers in your same situation

The Internet gives the possibility of being in contact with other people, even if it is virtual through blogs, forums and communities of parents.

Share sensations, experiences and feelings With other mothers in the same situation it can be very enriching for the pregnant woman. It will help you relativize rest and see it as something positive.

Take it as a break

Instead of turning it into something negative, think of rest as a break that both you and your baby need. It is time to forget the outside world (work, home, children), delegate tasks and focus solely on rest.

Take the opportunity to do those things for which you never have time

With the frantic pace of life we ​​lead, we always long for more time to do this or that. Rest in pregnancy is an ideal time to do all those things that we have been relegated due to lack of time, such as sleeping without schedules, watching series or movies, surfing the internet, studying, listening to music, catching up with your friends, knitting or taking an online course.

Work from home

There are women who prefer to remain active at work although they must rest for a few weeks. If the doctor approves it, you could consider telecommuting option. Working from home can be a way to keep you entertained and feel productive.

Let yourself be pampered

That you are in bed or inside the house without being able to leave does not mean that you cannot spoil yourself. Feeling good is important anyway.

You can, for example, call a massage therapist to give you a massage, which will also help relieve tensions and activate circulation, or you can do some body treatment, a skin cleansing, manicure, etc.

Let yourself be pampered by your partner. It is the ideal time for long breakfasts in bed, delayed conversations and pampering in bed, but without getting too excited (sexual relations are almost always contraindicated in case of rest).

Take the opportunity to advance the preparations for birth

You can take advantage of the time that you have indicated rest for advance issues related to the birth of the baby. For example, investigate what is the best place to give birth, make your birth plan, make a birth list, think about the things you will have to buy or plan the decoration of the baby's room.

Even if you are interested, you can attend maternity courses or childbirth preparation classes online.

Read books about pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood

There is a lot of books dedicated to the world of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. If you are interested in knowing in depth about these topics, in the blog we have recommended a few.

Video: Diabetes and Pregnancy Q&A (July 2024).