New scandal in China for artificial milk

A new scandal has broken out in China linked to artificial milk, which seems to not have the necessary controls and ends up becoming a serious risk to the health of children.

Some time ago we encountered the serious problem of artificial milk contaminated with melanin and now it is a milk that seems to contain high rates of female hormones, so many that, in fact, the fact was not discovered by chance, but because some little girls began to develop women's breasts being only babies.

The facts became known when in early July the parents detected the anomaly of their daughters and got them to have medical tests revealed that the level of hormones estradiol and prolactin exceeded in three cases that of an adult woman and that the three had ingested the same product, produced by the company Syrutra. However, it is still unclear what happened and there is no official verification of the quality of that milk.

But already, the Ministry of Health, has opened the necessary investigation to discover if this milk contains hormones although the company, which has suffered serious stock losses for it, has declared its innocence.

I fear that in China, with the opening of markets, it has adopted the capitalist system without accompanying it by the necessary regulations and vigilance to prevent the greed of some from becoming enormously dangerous when playing with people's lives or, at least, Panic situations are created by not having the peace of mind that consumer products are fairly controlled before alarms go off.

In addition, breastfeeding rates are very low in China and, if this is combined with a precarious economic situation in many families, the health risk of babies increases. This new scandal for artificial milk It should, finally, change the trend and raise awareness among families and authorities about the promotion of breastfeeding promotion.

Video: China's Milk Scandal Spreads (July 2024).