Breastfeeding bracelet that marks the hours

If you are one of those who want to be clear when the baby was last breastfed, this bracelet that marks the hours It may be useful. It helps us to know when the last shot was, although this is not a fundamental fact, since breastfeeding is on demand and it does not matter if three hours have passed since the mother or one.

But it can help us get an idea. Although I see it more useful, like another breastfeeding bracelet we saw here, the one of “Touch this one”, to know what breast it is for the baby in the next shot, something that I have always had difficulty remembering.

Regarding controlling the hours, I recognize that with my first baby, when I got home, I began to write down at what time I was breastfeeding. If I did it, it was not to have a strict control of the shots, but because, especially the first few days, I lost track of time and wanted to know how many times my daughter had suckled at the end of the day or night.

I imagine that, within my insecurity, that it gave me some imaginary "control" that calmed me down, although it can be counterproductive if, on the contrary, we are nervous or too aware of the watch (or the bracelet, in this case).

In a few days (very few, three or four) that I remember something chaotic, confusing, very tired and sleepy, writing down the hours gave me some peace of mind, a sense of control that has nothing to do with restrictions or delays when it comes to breastfeeding, since it was always on demand.

It was something that, as I say, was short-lived: once I was better, more "clear", with more control of my body and my surroundings, and of time, that stopped making sense. With my second baby I have never recorded the shots.

This bracelet could serve better, for example, to mark the hours of the last medicine, to know when it is the next time. Or for the most clueless, write down the pediatrician's time, I don't know.

In any case, the bracelets are funny. There are varied colors and cost 5.90 euros. And if you want remember the time at which the baby sucked, this breastfeeding bracelet It will also do its function.