The least known discomforts of pregnancy

When talking about the typical discomforts of pregnancy, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous nausea, tiredness and dizziness. However, there are other less known discomforts that the pregnant woman may suffer during pregnancy.

They are changes that occur in pregnancy as an effect of the action of hormones. They are not usually part of the list of "official discomforts of pregnancy" and it is possible that no one has spoken to you about them, but to a lesser or greater extent they may appear throughout pregnancy.

They are the least pleasant part of being pregnant, and although they are reversible inconveniences that disappear after childbirth, most of the future moms suffer some of these discomforts at some time during pregnancy. However, they are easy to treat and do not affect the growth of the baby at all.

Sweating in pregnancy

Some women suffer sweats in pregnancy much more than others. Sweating in pregnancy is a mechanism of response of the organism to decrease the body temperature of the pregnant woman that rises due to the increase in blood flow.

It may appear at any time during pregnancy, but it is exacerbated in the last trimester.

With sweat, the body removes mineral salts, so it is recommended to wear loose clothing, preferably cotton and stay well hydrated.

Increased salivation

You may notice that you wet the pillow at night or that excess saliva causes nausea. The explanation is that the increase in hormones causes oral disorders such as increased salivation. Also called hypersalivation or sialorrhea.

This discomfort is more frequent in the first trimester of pregnancy, and is usually related to nausea in the first weeks.

To alleviate the feeling of excess saliva, there are some tricks such as eating a slice of whole wheat bread or light cookies and brushing your teeth. It worked well for me to drink lemon soda.

Indigestion in pregnancy

Indigestion in pregnancy is one of the discomforts associated with pregnancy. It gives the feeling of having a stomach upset and that nothing we eat suits us well.

It is usually more frequent in the first trimester, even in some women it is the first sign of pregnancy, and also in the last trimester of pregnancy. At the beginning, it is due to the action of hormones and in the end, because the size of the uterus compresses the organs involved in digestion making it slower and heavier.

To reduce discomfort it is recommended to make small meals several times a day and avoid copious foods that take longer to digest.

Snoring in pregnancy

It is possible that your partner has noticed that you snore when you sleep, even when you have never snored. It is because during pregnancy the airways are congested, which produces a sensation of plugging and some difficulty in breathing that results in snoring.

Women who have gained too much weight during pregnancy, those who suffer from hypertension or preeclampsia, and those who were snoring before pregnancy are more likely to suffer.

They usually increase towards the second and third trimesters, since as the pregnancy progresses, some fat accumulates around the neck and throat, narrowing the airways more.

To relieve snoring in pregnancy it is recommended to avoid caffeine, control weight gain, raise your head slightly when sleeping, sleep on your side or resort to adhesive nasal strips.

Changes in the vaginal mucosa

Some women get scared to notice changes in the vaginal mucosa during pregnancy, but there is no reason to be alarmed. Due to hormonal changes the flow increases in quantity and becomes darker.

In addition, after having sex, the flow may be tinged with pink, but this has nothing to do with blood loss in pregnancy. The cause is the inflammation of the small capillaries found in the cervix.

Gases in pregnancy

High levels of progesterone relax the intestinal muscles producing gases in pregnancy. To this is added the slowness in digestion and the sensation of abdominal swelling, in addition to constipation, also common during pregnancy.

Eliminating carbonated beverages from the diet, fatty foods, chewing well, eating slowly and sleeping on your side are some of the tips to avoid gas during pregnancy.


Just as the gums can bleed, the pregnant woman can also suffer nosebleeds. This is because the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed causing nasal congestion (as we mentioned above) and sometimes the congestion itself causes a nose bleed.

It is recommended to avoid very dry environments, perfumes or any other irritating substance, clean the nostrils with saline solution and try not to blow your nose too hard.

In case of bleeding you should lie down or sit with your head higher than the rest of the body and press on the nostrils with your index and thumb fingers for five to ten minutes.

If the hemorrhages were very frequent and abundant, it is best to consult with the doctor.

Photos | Arwen Abendstern and Rahego on Flickr
In Babies and more | Discomfort in pregnancy: dizziness, headache and nasal congestion, How to relieve snoring during pregnancy

Video: Common discomforts in your first trimester (July 2024).