The funniest viral video of parents and babies with which you will die of tenderness

Babies often give us unique moments, unrepeatable moments in which you say "I should have recorded it." Well, this video collects several wonderful moments between babies and their parents that make us die of tenderness.

Fantastic Dads

- Kevin W (@ kwilli1046) January 28, 2019

Dad, spend with your baby as long as possible

And as a result of the video, we cannot stop recommending parents to spend time with their children, as much as possible. Pediatricians also recommend it, because their way of treating them is different from that of moms.

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The way parents interact with their children when it comes to play tends to be more intense, more vigorous, and promotes children to take more risks and be more daring and explorers. Moms, on the other hand, tend to offer more stability and security. This does not mean that one is better than the other, but together they become complementary and beneficial at the same time.

Playing with the baby, walking and doing activities with him or her, however small they may be, will make the ties between dad and baby stronger each time, favoring a secure attachment relationship. The more time together, the more benefits for everyone. And also, they leave us moments as fun and tender as those in the video.

Video: 23 Dads Who Have Nailed Parenting 2019. Funny Dads & Babies (July 2024).