The music that calms the baby

When the baby is restless and cries, one of the solutions that usually work is music. A song or a melody that calms the baby, which helps you relax and even sleep. We all have our musical preferences but, and babies, what music do you prefer to calm down?

Well, I would say that there are musical tastes of all kinds. On the network you will find videos of babies who calm down with heavy music, black-metal, country, reggae, classical, pop, rock ... and of course the nannies.

Surely the music that calms the baby It has to do, not only with the one he heard from the womb, coinciding with the musical tastes especially maternal, but those that by their rhythms remind them of the sounds of mom's body before birth.

It is clear that communicating with the baby before birth is important, and one way to establish that original communication is when they hear our voice, our heart, the flow of our blood, and the music that comes from outside.

My daughters love children's songs that I sang to them, but also classical music and pop songs that I listened to when I was pregnant. They are fascinated by the most leisurely, vocal and instrumental Mozart, and Miguel Bosé, in that they resemble me.

As their musical tastes grow, they expand and diversify (and here Cantajuego and tuning cartoons come in, among others), but when they were babies, those musics they had heard before were their favorites.

It is also true that I can not think of or think of putting them heavy metal or country, I do not know how they would have reacted to these new musical genres.

In any case, the music that calms the baby It probably includes soft rhythms and volume, vocal music or not, more or less modern ... But above all you will tell me if that voice that recognizes from before birth works and is also capable of making music to coo the baby even if we had never done it before ( and less in public) something similar to a song.

Video: 3 Hours Soothing Sleep Music for Babies @432Hz Calming Music, Relaxing Music (May 2024).