How to differentiate false contractions from labor contractions

Throughout pregnancy different types of contractions occur, with different characteristics and functions. Today we will go deeper into the topic and talk about something that worries pregnant women a lot: how to differentiate false contractions from labor contractions.

Depending on how the contractions are, it can be assessed whether or not labor has begun. The frequency, intensity and duration of contractions are parameters that help determine that the time has come.

Every woman is special when it comes to giving birth. Some women hardly feel the labor contractions, while others may spend several days with contractions before labor is triggered. What is certain is that for vaginal delivery there must be dilation of the cervix and this occurs due to contractions.

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The false contractions They are also called Braxton Hicks contractions in honor of the English doctor who first described them at the end of the 19th century. They are contractions of the uterine muscle that occur sporadically, although as the pregnancy progresses they become more and more frequent. Its main difference with labor contractions is that they do not cause pain, although they can cause discomfort, especially towards the end of pregnancy.

How to differentiate false contractions from true ones

Towards the end of pregnancy, one or two weeks before giving birth, Braxton Hicks contractions become more intense, and can occur rhythmically but not regularly. That is, there may be three or four contractions with discomfort and sometimes even pain at similar, but intermittent, intervals. It does not increase its intensity, nor its duration, nor its frequency.

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These contractions are known as prepaid contractions (or childbirth prodromes). They are annoying, but they are not rhythmic or regular and their function is to erase and soften the cervix prior to dilation. If you change position, rest, walk or take a relaxing bath, the contractions disappear or are relieved.

Instead, the true labor contractions they increase in intensity (between 30 mmHg and 50 mmHg), every regular period occurs with a frequency of 3 to 5 contractions every 10 minutes. It also increases its duration. When you are in labor, there are at least 2 or 3 intense contractions lasting approximately 40 to 60 seconds every 10 minutes.

Another sign that can help identify each other is the place where contractions feel. The fake ones are usually felt in the lower abdomen and in the English, while the real ones begin in the back and radiate forward extending towards the lower abdomen.

Signs that labor has begun

Labor contractions, besides being rhythmic, progressive and intenseThey are usually accompanied by other signs that indicate that labor has begun. They are the symptoms of childbirth such as the expulsion of the mucous plug, the rupture of the amniotic sac and the dilation of the cervix.

Anyway, the ejection of the mucous plug It is not a sign of imminent childbirth, but it does mean that the neck has begun to dilate. In some cases, the plug is ejected a few days before labor contractions begin while in others it is not ejected until the moment of delivery.

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The bag breakOn the other hand, it is an unequivocal sign that childbirth will occur in the next few hours, however, not all pregnant women break water at the same stage of labor. It may occur before the true labor contractions begin or not occur until the time of delivery.

The cervical dilation It is, unlike the previous two, a signal that the pregnant woman cannot check for herself. For labor to begin, the neck must have reached 3-4 centimeters dilatation.


Sometimes it is difficult to determine when fake contractions that you have had throughout pregnancy, especially those that occur towards the end of pregnancy, they become true labor contractions. The important thing is to pay attention to learn to identify its duration, intensity and frequency.

It is recommended that at this point you go pointing out how your contractions are with the help of a clock and a notebook or a contraction counter. This will make it easier for you to control them and you can better inform your doctor.

If you detect that you are having labor contractions, or in case you feel abdominal cramping, increased pressure in the pelvis, have blood or amniotic fluid losses you should go to the hospital.

Video: False vs. True Labor: How to Tell the Difference (May 2024).