Premiere of the documentary "Babies" on April 29

With a few months of delay, an expected documentary about the way of life of very different families whose only point in common (or are there many more?) Comes to Spanish screens next week is that they have a baby. The documentary "Babies" opens on April 29, directed by the filmmaker Thomas Balmès, from an original idea by producer Alain Chabat.

We remind you that in the documentary four babies are closely followed, from birth to one year of age, in four different countries. Four very different contexts in which to see the little ones grow and that will show us what we have in common and what we move away when caring for a baby, what they have in common and what their mothers, their parents, their families, their customs ...

The children are: Ponijao, who lives with his family near Opuwo, Namibia; Bayarjargal, who resides with his family in Mongolia, near Bayanchandmani; Mari, who lives with her family in Tokyo, Japan; and Hattie, who lives with his family in the United States, in San Francisco.

At the time we brought you the trailer for the documentary "Babies", and now we wanted to leave you a new excerpt from the report, in this case an interesting video in which we see how moms and dads from different parts of the world clean their babies: with saliva, with running water, with water from the mouth, with breast milk ... I think that my daughters' bathroom has never seemed so simple.

Of course, some promising images with excellent photography. We leave you with an excerpt from the synopsis of the documentary "Babies" that affects what makes babies in the world unique and equal:

Redefining the concept of documentary, "Babies" captures in the film the earliest stages of humanity's journey that are absolutely unique and universal to us all.

I hope to have the opportunity to see the documentary "Babies", which premieres on April 29 on Spanish screens with the subtitle "Everyone loves babies".

Official Site | Karma Films On Babies and more | Documentary: The Brain of the Baby by Eduardo Punset (1), Premiere of the documentary "The Science of Babies", by National Geographic Channel, Baby Human, development and behavior of the baby

Video: Editing Documentaries and Interviews with Premiere Pro Part 1 (May 2024).