Girls and mothers in Mexico

When on a day like today or next dates (Mother's Day is celebrated on May 10 in Mexico) these young girls, practically girls, should think about how to congratulate mom, they are busy with their own babies. Girls and mothers in Mexico are increasingly frequent.

In different regions of the country the number of pregnancies of girls between 12 and 14 years has increased, according to specialists due to lack of education at home and in schools, a poor or no sexual training. These are young people who interrupt their studies due to unwanted pregnancies and each year their number increases.

According to the Ministry of Health and Assistance of Veracruz, 30% of the nearly 200,000 births per year that are registered in hospitals are women under 18.

Two magistrates of the Superior Court of Justice agree to qualify as “Worrying and delicate” the problem of mother girls In certain contexts. Because some ancestral customs of their native peoples grant parents the "power" to sell to their minor daughters, as is the case in Tlapa Mountain.

Other factors affect this increase in unwanted pregnancies and in minors, such as loss of values, family crisis and social discouragement, along with poverty, marginalization and illiteracy, as well as “uses and customs” and deplorable cases of sexual abuse.

Of course, this is a problem that not only occurs in Mexico, and here we have talked about various cases of mother-girls in different parts of the world, such as a nine-year-old Chinese woman, or the youngest mother in the world, Peruvian, and some cases resulting from rapes in which the mothers (or their grandmothers) had asked to be allowed to abort.

There are many reasons for early motherhood, and it is not exclusive to a part of the world. But these days we especially talk about the case of Mexico, and that's why we wanted to comment.

There are health professionals in Mexico who offer their testimony of how they have met pregnant nine and ten year old girls, when at that age what they should be doing is playing with dolls, living a childhood, educating themselves, but not having babies and becoming a convent in mothers-girl, premature mothers whose bodies and minds are not prepared for motherhood.

Video: Missouri Mother, Daughter Killed Family Members with Anti-Freeze (July 2024).