Children who tear their hair compulsively: we talk about trichotillomania

Trichotillomania is a disorder that involves tearing hair from the head, eyebrows or eyelashes compulsively. In most cases, the situation is mild and easily manageable, but in others it may require specialized treatment.

We explain what this is strange pathology of childhood and adolescence, the reasons why it can be presented and the keys to proceed in this regard.

What is trichotillomania and who does it affect?

Trichotillomania is a disorder that is characterized by the need to tear hair compulsively, because doing so causes a feeling of well-being or liberation.

It is estimated that four percent of the population suffers from trichotillomania, with children and adolescents being the main affected, and very rarely adults.

As we read on the Family and Health website of the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics, this disorder - more typical of girls than boys -, It affects 2% of children in school, although it is from the age of ten, and especially in adolescence, when more cases are recorded.

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According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, of the American Psychiatric Association, there must be a number of factors so that we can talk about trichotillomania:

  • Appearance of scalp lesions and visible hair loss (Bald more or less large, tickets ...). Baldness may also occur in the eyebrows or eyelashes.

  • Before tearing off the hair, the person experiences a stress situation that is relieved When the behavior is performed.

  • There is no other medical problem that causes baldness, such as hair ringworm, sebaceous nevus or alopecia due to lack of nutrients or hormones.

Why does it occur?

The causes of trichotillomania are not clear, but like many complex disorders it may be due to a combination of genetic factors (that is, there is a greater risk if there is a close history in the family) and environmental factors (stress, anxiety, depression, boredom ...).

This disorder is accompanied by negative and positive emotions:

  • Negative emotions: The child is going through a moment of nerves or stress that leads him to perform this action. It can also be a defense mechanism when it comes to adapting to an uncomfortable situation, or dealing with lack of motivation, boredom or fatigue.
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  • Positive emotions: tearing off the hair is for the child a measure of relief and well-being, so he will repeat this action as a way of maintaining these positive feelings.

It may happen that the action of pulling one's hair ends up being done automatically, that is, it is not caused by any cause or emotion. In this way, it is common to see the child pulling his hair while watching television, reading or lying down without doing anything.

What risks does it entail?

Physical damages

When the child rips hair from the head, the damage is visible. Appear wounds and scars on the scalp, and hairs of different lengths. Some areas remain completely bald, and hair growth may be affected.

It can also happen that the child bites or ingested the hair that has been torn off, and may eventually cause digestive problems such as vomiting, intestinal obstruction or other more serious problems.

Emotional problems

Usually people suffering from trichotillomania they feel ashamed for their behaviorThey don't usually talk about it and tend to hide the problem. This can negatively affect your self-esteem, and cause other associated problems such as depression.

Social problems

When the child becomes aware of the injuries and loss of hair, eyebrows or eyelashes, derived from his behavior, it is likely that want to avoid social activities Feeling insecure about his appearance. Sadly, they could also become teased by their peers.

How to proceed in this regard?

If we perceive this type of behavior in our child and begin to appreciate a clear loss of hair, we should consult with the pediatrician, who will perform a physical examination to determine the cause of the problem.

If the doctor considers that it is a trichotillomania disorder, it is most likely to recommend you to go to the Child and Youth Mental Health unit.

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The most common treatment is usually psychological therapy, in which an expert will work with the child as follows:

  • First, it will help you realize that your hair is being ripped off, remember that this behavior is unconscious.

  • Second, it will help you identify the causes that trigger the action.

  • And once these causes have been identified, it will teach you to deal with the feelings that they cause by using more appropriate alternatives.

Sometimes an antidepressant or relaxant may be needed that lowers the child's level of andiety in order to work better.

It is important to keep in mind that without expert help or proper treatment, this pathology could worsen with age, even though there are times when we have the feeling that the child is improving.

And what can parents do?

If our child is undergoing treatment for trichotillomania, it is likely that the specialist who treats him also gives us some guidelines to work with him, but we can also help from home with these simple tips:

  • Inform family and close friends about this disorder, to avoid making uncomfortable comments towards the child due to a lack of knowledge.

  • Inform teachers and ask for your help, because the child spends a large part of his time at school.

  • Support our son, empathize with him, give him confidence and security, and encourage him to talk to us about this issue whenever he needs it.

  • Do not judge, shout or punish his behavior. Be compressive, patient and flexible With his behavior.

  • Consult with the doctor or psychologist if we have any questions about how to proceed in this circumstance at any given time.

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Video: Psychological Disorder Makes People Pull Out Their Own Hair (July 2024).