Mosquitoes prefer pregnant women and children

Summer comes back and all the things that make summer summer come back: the television program is flammable (although this is the whole year), the heat, the migration of thousands of vehicles to the beach, the protective cream, the salads of pasta and the mosquitos. The happy mosquitoes.

You are sleeping so peacefully when suddenly you hear a "biiiiii" close to your ear that suddenly awakens you because you know that danger is lurking. And the worst thing is not that it bites you, that it bothers a lot, but that at your side you see your baby sleeping peacefully with a body of bears that makes him look even sweeter, legs open in brackets and arms up , and you fear for its integrity.

If you're not a mother yet, but you're pregnant, get ready too, because mosquitoes have a special predilection for pregnant women.

Do mosquitoes prefer pregnant women?

Well, it is not that they prefer women who are pregnant for the simple fact of being pregnant, as if the blood of the pregnant woman became sweeter or as if it emits some kind of smell that would serve as an attractant for mosquitoes. Let's say that mosquitoes usually choose pregnant women to bite them because mosquitoes like carbon dioxide and pregnant women tend to breathe faster than other mortals, consequently eliminating more carbon dioxide.

Mosquitoes also like heat and pregnant women tend to have a higher temperature than others, because their body is more active (during pregnancy it increases the respiratory rate and also the heart rate). So, adding one thing and another, the most logical thing is that in a room where there is a pregnant woman, you have to lose.

And the children?

With regard to children, well a little for the same thing that happens with the issue of heat. I do not know if you will have noticed (sure yes), but children sweat as sources. When they are babies, it is common to see a large sweat stain around their head. Then, when they grow a little, the most normal thing is to catch them when they wake up from the nap with their hair as if they had showered and their backs completely soaked. Finally, at night, there is no God who can cover a child. The poor spend so much heat when we cover them that as soon as they can do the "infernal catapult" with their legs and uncover. So as small sources of heat that they are, mosquitoes also tend to choose them to approach them if they have a chance.

And what do we do to avoid it?

Well, what you can. It occurs to me that you go through this post that Eva wrote to us three years ago in which she explained several home remedies to prevent insect bites, interesting because this way you can avoid creams and repellent products.

Of all the ideas, I keep the first, the mosquito nets. Now they sell roller blinds, with the shape of the window, which are easily placed after the blind and that is lowered in summer until the entire window is covered. The rest must be carefully valued, because that of sprinkling with lemon tea ... I do not know what is worse, that it bites you a mosquito or being all day smelling of lemon (and salivating, of course).