"The kingdom of a thousand steps", a story about cerebral palsy

A "different" princess who faces her worst enemy, misunderstanding. This summarizes the essence of story "The Kingdom of the Thousand Steps", which aims to bring the reality of cerebral palsy closer to children with simple and fun language. It is written by Manuel Ferrero and illustrated by Laura Bécares.

This is a story that aims to bring disability to children and especially cerebral palsy, making the disabled a hero, renewing the schemes of classic stories and proposing reading and teaching workshops in schools, making storytelling ...

In the book, a princess with cerebral palsy He faces an evil being and a giant as an allegory of the social misunderstanding that disability implies.

The work is edited by the ASPACE Castilian Leonese Federation (Leonese Castilian Federation of Associations of Attention to Persons Affected by Cerebral Palsy and Related Disabilities). The ASPACE Federation explains its objectives:

Reading is a powerful animation tool for working in school. Through the stories we can educate in values, work the attitudinal contents of the curriculum of the educational system, teach thinking, resolve conflicts in a balsamic way and develop the love for fantasy, surprise and creativity in children and adults ( Parents and teachers). It is here that it becomes vital to provide pedagogical solutions to explain Cerebral Palsy and disability in schools.

All the benefits obtained from the sale of the story are destined to reissue and disseminate the story in schools, media, libraries, bookstores ... so that the book reaches many people and fulfills its pedagogical function.

People interested in acquiring the story about cerebral palsy "The kingdom of a thousand steps" You can contact the Federation or look for it in the bookstores of Spain, and the price to acquire it is 10 euros.

Official Site | Aspace Federation, The Kingdom of a Thousand Steps
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