Bullying: helping our children

We have seen how the bullying: blows, isolation, teasing, humiliation and threats and we have also offered some tips to detect it.

However, prevention is a key point when dealing with this school problem and it is precisely where parents can do more, both helping our children not to become victims as laying the educational foundations to never be themselves aggressors or passive observers of school violence.

We can help our children not to become victims

The first step to help our children not to become victims, which we can build from birth, is to strengthen your self-esteem. Let them know in word and deed that no one, no one, has the right to humiliate them, hit them or attack them emotionally, and of course, neither do we.

Be present at the beginning of social life and always be attentive to help them solve conflicts from dialogue or intervene if someone harasses or harms them. If our children trust in themselves and in us they may have tools to detect inappropriate behavior towards them and report them immediately.

We must teach our son to say NO when something they do not like, not to follow "the pack" if they do something they think is wrong, to go to an adult for help if they are bothered and set clear limits to others if they feel attacked by words or deeds . This begins in home schooling and in the relationship with their parents and family members.

No one should consider themselves entitled to treat a child with ridicule, threats, colleges or insults. Neither their parents nor any adult or child in their environment. We, the parents, obviously should not do so, for pure ethics, but also so that our son does not assume normal patterns of violence and victimization.

When school starts we must have close communication with the child, meet your friends and help you tell us your feelings and experiences. Also, of course, talk a lot with your teachers, to communicate any problems and help them to intervene.

We can help our children not to become bullies

Surely none of us think that our little ones can end up harassing another child, however, it is always convenient lay the educational foundations to prevent him from becoming a stalker. The key, emotional education from early childhood.

From a very young age, the role of parents is to teach them that attitudes of violence, teasing, beating and humiliation are intolerable. From the home and when the nursery or nursery school begins, parents must firmly explain that You can't hit anyone or insult or hurt someone else's feelings.

Younger children may have difficulty channeling their negative feelings of fear, anger or emotional overload. Parents, again, must teach them to express their discomfort with words, explaining how they feel, not through aggressiveness, but with assertiveness.

When our child is very active and has so much energy that he ends up letting her out with violent attitudes, we can offer activities that help him download and channel it, such as active games and sports.

Work empathy actively, proposing to the child to put himself in the place of the one who suffers an aggression and connecting with the feelings of the other, recognizing his suffering, will make the child learn to understand that his actions, which are of defense or overflow, can make harm to another.

Being aware that the other suffers and feeling empathy for the helpless and the victim, we will lay the groundwork so that, in the future, he does not want to harm the other and knows how to recognize the importance of his feelings, something that stalkers usually block and minimize .

Do not use contempt, mockery, humiliation and violence ourselves, neither towards children nor towards anyone in our environment, we are educating by example, something indispensable for us to help our children prevent bullying.

Video: The Effects of Bullying: What Parents Need to Know (July 2024).