What natural remedies do you use to relieve the ailments of your children? the question of the week

Weekly, we throw a question to which you can answer and vote the responses of the other readers in the section Babies and more Answers. In this way, we share experiences and can get to know you a little better. Then we pose a new question and value the answers of the question from the previous week.

Many parents go to natural solutions when children are ill. The "advice of the grandmother" are applied to cure typical disorders in the smallest, for example a ball of hot seeds in the tripita to relieve the gases of the baby or an onion split next to the bed to calm the cough.

These are some of the ones I know, but there are many more. Therefore, we want to ask you:

What natural remedies do you use to relieve the ailments of your children?

Last week's question

In last week's question We asked you what you think are the most important needs of babies and children.

The answer most valued by our readers has been that of sabri212 which has been very clear:

Love and basic needs met ... Everything else derives from love: respect, consideration, stimulation, trust, recognition, integration, etc., etc., etc ... If basic needs are guaranteed (health, education, housing, etc.) , the answer would be: love, love, love ...

We appreciate your participation and we remind you that this week's question is already available, and that you have seven days to leave your comments on it in the Answers section. We beg you that do not respond in the comments of this post or on our Facebook page, only in the Answers section so that it can be answered and voted on by the other readers.

In Babies and more Answers | What natural remedies do you use to relieve the ailments of your children? In Babies and more | the question of the week

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