Withdraw more than one hundred toys from the market due to the risk of poisoning, asphyxiation and other injuries

A few days ago we commented that pregnant women should be careful with some sex toys because they contained phthalates, which could affect the fetus. Now the warning comes in the presence of this same chemical component in some toys, in addition to other risks.

Between the months of January and October of this year, the National Institute of Consumption and the authorities of Consumption of each autonomous community have been monitoring hundreds of toys to remove, immobilize or prevent the importation of those that pose a risk to the health of children.

Most affected toys contain high concentrations of phthalates (sixty-eight toys), others pose a risk of suffocation or even strangulation.

The baby seats tested, for example, do not have enough resistance and sink easily. We all know that they are intended for dolls, but it is not uncommon to see a child try to sit on one (and get it) and the last thing that should happen is that the structure does not support its weight. In addition, many strollers carry small parts that could come off and pose a risk of suffocation.

The pacifiers that come with the dolls have also been analyzed and it has been seen that many wear too long ropes, which pose a risk of strangulation for children.

All toys have been included in the alert network of dangerous non-food products, coordinated by the INC, an agency that depends on the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality.

This means that All autonomous communities have orders to withdraw these products. Anyway, if as users we saw any of the affected toys, FACUA, the consumer organization, requests that we contact them through its complaint website, so that it can be removed from the market.

You can know what the dangerous toys are by looking at the INC website, by clicking on the “Toys” search engine. If you want to know more specifically what toys we mean, you can see a list on the FACUA website.

Anyway, manufacturers who put little love in what they manufacture there are many, precisely, because They seek to make an economical toy that can be easily sold. However, this should not pose a risk to children's health. Luckily we have agencies watching so that poorly resolved toys never reach our children's hands.

Video: Doomgate Inn, Part 2 - S1 E7 - Acquisitions Inc: The "C" Team (July 2024).