Dads and Moms Blogs (XCII)

One more Tuesday we revisit the most interesting content that we have found for some moms and dads blogs and so see what experiences, reflections and stories tell us through the immense cyberspace.

We start with Bren from his I love being a mom, where it invites us to reflect on what happens when someone labels a boy or a girl as bad. And, after all, as Bren says: bad children do not exist.

Visiting in Irene's house we find a question that makes us reflect: do schools kill creativity? Azulitoclaro, the author, introduces us to Ken Robinson, a British researcher famous for his vision of education and creativity and for the criticism of the current educational model. What do you think about the question we are asked ...?

Sandra speaks to us in Go, if it's mom! of an issue that is always present and of the utmost importance: labor conciliation. And it is very difficult on many occasions to be able to take care of our children and work at the same time. Therefore, although saying it is very beautiful, in the end we run into reality.

Bethlehem, one mom without complexesHe also talks about family conciliation and gives his point of view on politics, equality, conciliation and those chimes, hoping that politicians who stand for elections will talk about important measures for their life at the present time.

In Mimes and Teta Blog its author, Nohemí, shares with us several breeding videos with attachment and breastfeeding on TV. Among them, we can find interviews with Eulàlia Torras or Rosa Jové, and reports on breastfeeding and milk banks. Very interesting.

Growing Mom, what does she say: "I like being a mom"He wonders if he can teach his children the value of things, especially now that Christmas is approaching. And it is now that we must seek a balance so that they learn the value of things, something that for Mother Mom is fundamental.

For my little one with love It is a blog where its creator, Inma, gives us some ideas to make with our children a beautiful autumn decoration using dry leaves that we can find in any park. With them and with our imagination we can do a lot of things that will make us enjoy together while we do them as well as encourage our creative gifts.

Since My mom is a speech therapist, Merche proposes some skills for the control of the will, such as the inhibition of the impulse or the execution of the project, which are very important aspects for the development of our children.

Visiting the blog of Mimosa mom We can read your experience as adoptive parents twice. Papa Mimoso and Mama Mimosa have submitted the application for national adoption and, in addition, have decided to adopt a beautiful kitten. From here we wish you all the luck in the world in the new adventure that all of them will live.

Finally, Of pacifiers and drool He tells us that little Valeria is already 16 months old (congratulations!) and wants to share with us everything that her daughter has been learning throughout this time: the new words, how much she walks, how she helps to dress ...

There are so many moms and dads blog through the network, and little by little we will get closer to them so that you also know their experiences and all those interesting things they want to share with you all. Until next week!

Video: Day at the Park . Coco Quinn. Quinn Sisters (May 2024).