Awareness with childhood, special RTVE programming

This week I was surprised at the 2 of TVE interviews and interesting reports dedicated to children's rights and respected childbirth. And is that RTVE is broadcasting a special program, "Child Awareness", which meets its fourth edition.

On the occasion of the celebration on November 20 of Children's Rights Day, and with the support of UNICEF, for seven days TVE portrays childhood problems in programs, interviews, reports, documentaries, 'promos' ...

One of the spaces with more audience, the news, along with other informative spaces, will analyze the pending subjects every day of the week to a happy childhood. Some of the appointments for these days are:

  • The 2 premieres on Sunday 20th, the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the documentary 'Haiti, under construction' (11:00 pm): Ana Duato and UNICEF prove in Haiti the earthquake recovery

  • 'The morning of La 1' and '+ Gente' address, with interviews and reports, the latest figures on the fulfillment of children's rights.

  • 'The adventure of knowledge', 'For all La 2', 'Page 2', 'The Pizzicato Club', 'Tres 14' ... analyze in La 2 the child's relationship with education, pediatrics, play, Literature, music or advertising.

  • Complaint reports in La 2: 'The thematic night' portrays child slavery in the 21st century and 'TV Documents' close to pedophile tourism (at this point we have to cite the "There are no excuses" campaign we are talking about a weather).

  • Clan teaches daily, with the help of Pocoyo and his friends, what are the rights of children in eight fun mini-spaces.

  • Also in RNE a space is dedicated to the rights of children, bringing the testimony of young examples of overcoming, in programs such as 'In days like today', 'Affections', 'In a happy world', 'In the first person'.

I especially recommend documentaries (such as always interesting "The theme night" on Saturdays at 23.30), programs and magacines of the 2. The 'Pizzicato Club' (Saturday 12.00, h.), will feature performances and reports starring young artists of the project 'Music for all', which will teach that music is one of the best tools for the personal enrichment of a child.

UNICEF awarded RTVE the 2009 National Communication Award for promoting Awareness Week with Children, among other campaigns and performances, such as creating Lunicef, character of The Lunnis. A special programming for these days when, although it may not seem like it, there is life beyond the electoral rallies.

Official Site | RTVE In Babies and more | The Rights of the child, for children, Video: the rights of children, Video winner of the contest "I also have rights", The natural rights of children

Video: $0-$5M. 14 Months. Bootstrapped. Commission-Only Reps. (July 2024).