International Day of Premature Children

Today, November 17 is celebrated on International Day of Premature Children. One in ten children is born prematurely, no less than thirteen million children a year in the world, of which more than one million fail to survive. In Babies and more we often deal with these brave little ones who fight with all their might to get ahead.

Fortunately, there is increasing awareness about the importance of the humanization of neonatal units. Initiatives are being implemented in Spain such as the HERA project, a multidisciplinary program aimed at improving the care of premature babies through the kangaroo method, the support for breastfeeding and the continuous accompaniment of the parents, among other good practices.

Even so, there is still much to do, both to prevent prematurity and in terms of strategies to ensure the well-being of hospitalized children. Today, thousands of premature babies cannot be allowed to die alone each year in neonatal units because children have the right to be accompanied by their families at all times.

The number of children born premature and extremely premature has increased in recent years, we have known babies who have managed to survive with just 22 weeks. There are also more and more those who, thanks to therapeutic advances, are able to recover, although many are left with sequelae and exposed to an increased risk of diseases in the future.

To commemorate the International Day of Premature Children there are several events organized by European Associations of Parents of Premature Children together with EFCNI (European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants). Among them, APREM, Association of Premature Children, will celebrate the event at La Paz Hospital by hanging a long rope for parents to hang on it a sock for each of the premature children.

Video: International Preemies Day Celebrated (July 2024).