How to reduce the risk of sudden infant death

Sudden baby death syndrome is an issue that worries parents, especially since there are still many unknown aspects of this fact. Yes, some factors or situations that increase the risk of this syndrome are known, and although some cannot be modified, yes we can do something to reduce the risk of sudden infant death.

Risk factors on which we cannot act would be, for example, the low birth weight, or the history of having had a brother who had previously died of sudden infant death. Children of teenage mothers, without a stable or single partner, also seem to be at greater risk.

Some modifiable situations on which parents can act to reduce the risk of sudden infant death are:

  • Position of the child in the crib when sleeping: It is known that placing children upside down increases the risk. Therefore, parents should always place them on their backs (not sideways), at least until the age of six months.

  • Type of mattress: the use of hard mattresses is recommended, since soft ones are associated with a higher frequency of sudden death.

  • Temperature: the child must be overdrawn. Children "are not colder" than their parents, and excessive sleepwear has been associated with an increased risk of sudden death. You should be even more careful to avoid excess clothing if the child has a fever (the belief that you have to "shelter the child if he has a fever" is not right). The temperature of the child's room is also a factor to consider. An average temperature of 20-22 º C is recommended. Higher temperatures will be avoided, in the event that the room temperature can be individually adjusted.

  • Smoking during pregnancy and after childbirth: smoking, both during pregnancy and after birth, is associated with many childhood diseases. But the most dramatic of all is the sudden death of the infant. Pregnancy, in the case of a smoking mother, can be an excellent reason to propose to quit.

  • Type of breastfeeding Together with its innumerable advantages, breastfeeding is known to decrease the risk of sudden death. Therefore, mothers will be encouraged to initiate this type of breastfeeding and maintain it as long as possible.

  • Pacifier: recent studies have revealed two very important facts: the use of pacifier decreases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome and, in addition, its use does not decrease the duration of breastfeeding. Therefore, its use is recommended, if the child accepts it, when placed in the crib to sleep.

In short, there are quite a few factors on which parents can act to promote conditions that reduce the risk of sudden infant death, a dramatic event although, fortunately, rare in our country.


Video: Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (July 2024).