How Kings Day has changed in just 30 years

A few days have passed since the day of Kings, but we can take stock of what happened. The always incisive Faro published a vignette on the same day 6 in which he taught us how Kings Day has changed in just 30 years and I think it perfectly reflects the current reality.

A little less than 30 years ago I was one of the children who ran with the ball in the park, who went out with friends to play or stayed after school on Fridays in the park next to the school to play football until It was getting dark

But certainly times have changed, both for children and adults. We no longer call the landline to leave the message "tell him to call me at night when he arrives", but we call by mobile, send an SMS or directly a WhatsApp.

The Gameboy has given way to the Nintendo DS and the 3DS, the PSP or the PS Vita and the phone, even the mobile, has become a multimedia center that serves as an agenda, MP3, to play, watch movies or Even read books.

In the same way that all this has reached the world of adults, the changes are also experienced by our children, because they are, in a way, the reflection of society, the mirror of our customs. We adults are increasingly sedentary, we are increasingly stressed and have less and less time, children, therefore, live the same reality.

I confess person technophile, but without getting to the obsession (although those who live obsessed with something do not usually confess it), and that makes in my house there are enough screens and gadgets of "Tic, Tic, Tic", as in Faro's vignette.

My children also make use of them and, although there are people who are shocked when I tell them that my children have been Nintendo DS for three years (with 6 years old and 3 years old), I live calmly because it is one thing to have it and play from time to time and a very different one to get in the way with her and not let her go in the street

As I have said once, there are hundreds of alternatives to consoles and screens, you only need someone to propose (dad or mom) and if necessary, and children usually access, because they prefer to play with us than alone. Now, if nobody proposes, they will have to look for what to play with ... sometimes they will be their dolls or dolls, sometimes they will be costumes, sometimes they will be other games and sometimes they will be the "Tic, Tic, Tic, Tec, Tec, Tec" , and more if dad or mom also have mobiles where to read the mail, play, send messages, etc.

I don't know how you do it, but I can tell you how we do it: at home there are and there will still be screens. I think it is the present and especially the future, and I personally like it. However, it is one more thing and should be like that, an alternative, a tool that enables the game (and not the only tool), and therefore books, toys, costumes, dolls keep coming in and that's why dad and mom keep sharing games and time with them. And above all, above all, the consoles do not leave the house.

Now tell me, what feelings has Faro's vignette caused you?

Video: We Finally Understand The Entire It Story (July 2024).