The green color is the one that attracts children the most

They still do not disburse the money, but they are future buyers, and they can also ask. That is why it is not strange that there are those who wonder what color would most appeal to children in an advertisement. According to a study, green is the best background color for children's advertising.

That color should be chosen by advertisers of products aimed at children according to the professor of Optics of the University of Alicante Enrique Martínez. The author has carried out a study based on his doctoral thesis that indicates that more than 50% of the child population sees better on a green background.

From its data it infers that the green background of a spot would be better perceived under optimal conditions for a large percentage of children (children who have no vision problem and children with farsightedness).

The research also investigates the color bands chosen by the different advertisers on television. And green is not at the top of the list: black predominates in children's ads (22'71%) followed by green, white, red, yellow and blue.

Another interesting conclusion that the author of the study points out is that there are currently more myopic children than hypermetropics in the four to twelve year range, when a few years ago the data indicated that it was the reverse. The cause? The majority use of near vision that require mobile devices, game consoles or computers.

As in love with advertising, I hope that from now on The ads for children are not dyed green, the color that would most attract their attention, and that there is more variety. Although in reality I worry more about what is appropriate for the little ones to see on the screens and what is not. Because it seems that everything goes on television ...