Video: We close the door to junk food

Childhood obesity is a growing health problem in the world, and junk food is one of those responsible for this situation. At animated video "Let's close the door to junk food" We see an example of how this type of food surrounds us and how advertising plays an important role in the fact that children eat (and parents buy) junk food.

This is a video on consumer education responsible for the organization Center for Consumer Defense (CDC) in El Salvador. Children who go to school face a lot of publicity and even a "monster" of junk food that pursues them.

But they escape, they arrive at their house, with a family garden, and the table set with homemade and healthy food awaits them, and the presence of abundant fruit and vegetables. The video ends with the clear message: "Think, feed yourself in a healthy way, let's ignore the bombardment."

Junk food advertising dominates children's websites and in many other spaces aimed at children, also on television. Therefore it is necessary to regulate from the laws (and punish those who break them) this type of advertising aimed at children, as well as regulate the production of unhealthy foods with clear limits of components such as sugars, trans fats, salt ...

Of course, the information (and effort) of parents are also important so that our children do not get used to eating this kind of unhealthy food. He video "We close the door to junk food" reminds us and encourages us to keep fleeing, as far as possible, from the "monster."

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | The taste for junk food is acquired from before birth, the United States proposes to suppress children's advertising of junk food, stressed families, more junk food, junk food and advertising for children