Is it bad to use the mobile phone during pregnancy?

Mobile phones and telephone networks, as well as wi-fi networks, have shared space with us for a few years. There are several occasions in which it has been tried to demonstrate that its use is detrimental to our health, although, to date, there is nothing conclusive.

The last study we know about it and that also relates the use of mobile phones with pregnancy is one that was published recently in Scientific Reports and that suggests that mobile phone use during pregnancy can cause behavioral disorders in children.

According to scientists, the use of mobile phones could alter the brain development of babies, causing hyperactivity. However, before all the women in the world get scared, you should know that This study was conducted with pregnant mice and not with pregnant women.

How was the study done

To do the study, researchers from Yale University, in the US, exposed a group of pregnant mice to the radiation of a silent mobile phone located above the cage and made an uninterrupted call. Meanwhile, another group of mice was in another cage in the same conditions, but with a mobile disconnected.

After this they assessed the electrical activity of the mice exposed to radiation and that of the fetuses after birth, subjecting them to various psychological and behavioral tests at different times in time.

The results of the study

Mice exposed to radiation tended to be more hyperactive, suffered more anxiety and had a lower memory capacity. The reason, according to the researchers, was the incorrect development of neurons in the region of the prefrontal cortex of the brain during pregnancy.

The researchers said the following about it:

This is the first experimental evidence showing that fetal radiation exposure of cell phones affects adult behavior ... We have shown that behavioral problems in mice that resemble ADHD are caused by exposure to mobile phones.

Anyway, they agree with me, and I suppose that with everyone who reads this post and the study, in which it is necessary to investigate this in humans to understand how radiation from a mobile can affect human fetuses.

Mice have 19-day pregnancies and their offspring are born with a less developed brain than human babies, they are also mice, not human, and mobiles are just as large as any of the mothers. We are human, not mice, our pregnancies last nine months and not 19 days, we do not use mobiles that measure the same as us, so the radiation emission level is probably lower in proportion and There is not yet any study, not even this one, that says mobile phones cause alterations such as hyperactivity in children or adults.

The truth is that, at the moment, mobile phones do not worry me at all during pregnancy. I don't know later, but for now I don't see any danger. This study sounds like one of many that suggest that women remain closed in a bubble during the first nine months of pregnancy to avoid breathing air from the street, wear heels, do not get nervous, do not make up, do not know…

Video: Cell Phone Use in Pregnancy: Risks for Child? (July 2024).